“Don’t allow yourself to become one who, nearing death, regrets what you might have done if only you had taken a few risks We each have a purpose in life. ”
"I wish I would have done that."
"Why didn't I do it when I had the chance?"
"What was I thinking?"
"If only I took out more time for it."
Sound familiar? Well, I certainly hope not. However, this has been an ongoing predicament for many eras. So many beings end up aging in regret and remorse for not fulfilling their dreams. Even now, in our thirties and forties, we hold regrets. Knowing how painful they are, why would we be inclined to add more of them to our regret basket? Because quite frankly, we are being silly; yes, that is right. There is absolutely no reason you cannot make any of your desires come true except for 'the reason' you create. And THAT reason will be the SAME reason that will be eating you up years later. It will be too late to realize how 'ridiculous' your reason was.
So what to do now? Do YOU! Do your dreams. Do not worry about the impact it will endure on others. So long as it makes you happy and you are not harming or hurting another being, go live your desires.
Regret is an excruciating feeling that is also very challenging to eradicate. So begin standard practices of not letting those regrets seep upon you and being more committed to making the change you wish to see in your past when you are older.
I listed a few of the most common regrets, and we will get into details. I'm sure there are more. Though the methodology and purpose are similar. JUST DO IT!
Not Traveling around the world
Not Spending much time with family.
Not Expressing personal feelings.
Not Saving for retirement
Not Starting a business
Not Having a healthy/fit body
We live in an enormous world with limitless opportunities and thrilling experiences. Ask yourself what averts you from seeing more of this magic. Traveling to me is like reading a book visually. You learn so much with hands-on experience. New cultures, foods, daily practices and rituals, different music worldwide, different perspectives, etc. An endless options for all types of beings. There are peaceful places for retreats and relaxation. Scenic views. We have sacred religious places for personal well-being and goals. Adventurous places and so much history are out there.
Limiting yourself now when you are younger and most likely healthier to go now is like putting your hands up to new knowledge. Tomorrow you will put your same palms up with regret.
Is it a financial challenge? Save up with a serious commitment. You may even consider putting it on a credit card or borrowing from a good friend. However, do not let a promising opportunity go under financial limitations. I'm not encouraging you to throw all your eggs in one basket, though you never know; this trip could bring about a new individuality within you. It may lead you to further growth and come up with fresh ideas to generate more income. For goodness sake, it is now 2022, and how many people jobs are Travel Bloggers.
Work, work, work! What happened to work/life balance? Have we all cohered the rat race? Where are you going besides the guaranteed old age?
Listen, readers, work will always be there. Projects, contracts, friends, and social life will always be there. Your family, not so much. Soon the kids get older, and once they go to college, it will never be the same. Or once you get married and have your kids, you will be too busy to take time out because you now hold other responsibilities. Many people keep pushing family time to next week, month, or even year. And then when you get the alarming news for them or yourself, all you can think about is why you stressed so much about work and money when all that truly matters is the most important people to you; YOUR FAMILY or even YOUR BEST FRIENDS.
Try practicing to take more efficient time out for those you love dearly. Whether you live under the same roof as them or across the world. And remember, you don't have to always fly to the sky to see someone; they have this thing now called FACETIME; have you heard of it ;p
By Golly, this is my favorite one! I'm a total expert on this one here. Expressing my feelings has never been a challenge for me. Being vulnerable is always a good thing. You hold no regrets later. I AM VERY OPEN ABOUT MY FEELINGS, whether I harbored a crush on someone, didn't like my boss, colleague, friend, foe, or even talked to myself. Ergo ALL MY BLOGS ;p
Leaving sentiments bottled up is a good thing - said no one ever. And stop this third-person back-biting. If you are in a predicament, discuss it and confront it with the individuals involved. I know it may seem not easy at first, but you have to bring the courage to try. Once you do, you will see how much lighter you feel. Whether you are in LOVE with someone or you cannot stand being around them. Speak your feelings. Politely, of course. Also, keep in mind that expressing your feelings is entirely different from holding expectations from others. You are welcome to say how you feel; it doesn't mean you will get what you wish. Though you won't grow old regretting, you did not share your feelings.
I can say with 100% assurance that all in my life currently and those no longer know precisely why. I have nothing to hide and most likely never will. We were born to feel. So feel it and express it. Write it down or talk to yourself about it if you cannot say it to someone else.
The new society's pressure puts us in a rat race to think we should save a certain amount for retirement. Don't uphold yourself with such high expectations. Do the best you can. Even saving a few bucks a day, investing in a low-risk stock, a real estate property, or working your favorite job with full-time benefits will help you.
Try to cut down on things that are not completely necessary. Many of us spend foolishly on places where we can save a little. As you start saving and see the numbers going up in your bank, it will encourage you to keep more and more. BUT you have to start somewhere. Whether you are twenty or fifty, you can still start saving today. Believe in yourself. You can do it.
Business is a broad term; it can be a small business or a massive corporation. When you first start, your passion and enthusiasm will lead you to what works best for you so long as you are doing it with passion and the right reason, which should be that it makes you happy in your life. Running a business where you are constantly stressed and feel like you are not enjoying life is not a path you should take. If you are on that path- leave it immediately and brainstorm an idea of a business you would want.
We also need to remember that not everyone is a businessman or businesswoman. Some enjoy a stable job without the constant worry of analytics and income logistics rolling in. For those comfortable in the safe zone who wish to have a business, maybe you can start something on the side. Something not so severe but more like a hobby that gives you both interest, joy, a sense of contribution to the world, and the sense of being able to run your own business. There are plenty of cute Girl Scouts selling delicious cookies. If they can do it, I am confident so can you!
What is healthy? This is a vague term, and one can get utterly fanatic about how nit-picky you can get—that the more complex your goal, the more challenging it is to begin such a committed ordeal. Like with everything else, start small.
If you wish to lose weight - minus the obvious first. SUGAR and CARBS. Though when I say minus, I don't mean entirely. Taking something out of your life is never the right way to do anything. It will only make you miss and crave it so much that you will gain it all back or more at one point. Allowing yourself to relish a little bit in tiny amounts will keep you sane and focused. Till you reach the point where you are ready to let go. As you climb up the ladder of becoming healthy, you will learn more and more. Information will become readily available to you. Isn't that the beauty of life? Once you are committed, find a passion and begin to research, the frequency of that topic reaches you and makes it effortless for you to reach your goal.
The same idea goes for becoming more muscular, increasing your stamina and endurance, or becoming more toned. Start small. You can start with walking, jogging, and stretching. Eventually, your body will talk to you and tell you if you enjoy the stretching or the jogging more. Then, you can decide if your passion falls under categories like yoga or bodybuilding. And once again, the universe will make it happen. So please don't fret, my friend. All that you want can happen now. But you do have to take the small baby step toward your desires. And once your in, trust me, you won't look back!
I have three kids, ages sixteen, twelve, and eight. I am forty-three years old with al its of my health limitations. Though I have a great body, I eat pretty healthily for the most part. I am not a bodybuilder, nutritionist, or yoga teacher. But that's okay. That's not my dream. I feel fit and healthy, which I will always be proud of. I took care of myself without raising myself to such high expectations; follow your heart. If you wish to be healthy, you can. If you want to be highly healthy and knowledgeable like the careers mentioned, you do that. But you have to trust you know what you want.
I wanted a life where I could travel around the world, spend time with my family, express my feelings, save up my own money, start my own business, be an entrepreneur, and be a decently healthy individual. GOD BLESS I accomplished all this. And guess who did it? I DID. How? Small courageous steps. I grew up without parents or much help at all, ever really. I always had to work harder than my friends, colleagues, and the person to my left and right to get what I wanted. Though that never stopped me. If I can do it, so can you.
Wake up; your time is now! Tomorrow isn't promised, or your tomorrow won't suck because of your past.
Living No More Regrets,