Declutter Your A.I.
Clear Your Mind From Phonography
“Life was simpler when ‘Apple’ and ‘Blackberry’ were just fruits.”
Declutter Your A.I.
A.I. - Actual definition as per Wikipedia:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study of "intelligent agents": any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.[a] Some popular accounts use the term "artificial intelligence" to describe machines that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving", however, this definition is rejected by major AI researchers.[b]
Blogs Purpose - A.I.: Android & iPhone
So what does ‘declutter your A.I.’ mean? Smartphones are so innovative that they replace our calendar, alarm clock, the memory of phone numbers, and our family and friends in severe cases. While this is a serious indication of the human brain becoming incredibly limited and very conveniently lazy with our mental bandwidth, we are dangerously oblivious to the most prominent influence - loss of inner mental peace or, even worse, human brain extinction.
By the looks of a smartphone, it is attractive, sleek, and ergonomically advantageous. Functionally it has high-speed internet, incredible results, and a world of opportunity at your fingertips. As years go by, technology will advance, and it will only become more and more convenient. Let's look at the cost of this convenience.
Number of smartphones sold to end users worldwide from 2007 to 2021 (in million units)
source* - Statista
It is a commodity so intuitive that it has outsold the cost of human behavior in as little as a decade. What is the impact of this new exponential technology era?
Congratulations, you no longer need to remember your friends Birthdays, important meetings, appointments, interview dates, or any event. You no longer need to use your muscle memory. Let your A.I. do it for you. And when you forget your friend's birthday regardless of the numerous social media posts or your notifications, let the relationship deteriorate because you relied on your A.I. instead of your heart.
How many of us are trained to wake up from A.I. now? How many of us when our A.I. rings, we no longer press snooze or get up, though instead, we begin to scroll half-asleep absorbing information given by Google, social media, TikTok, or any other platform designed to brainwash us early morning controlling our feelings. Whatever happened to wake up, to stretch, looking out at a new day, shower. Meditate and have a productive day?
This right here is the greatest culprit of stealing our inner peace and fucking with our minds. For now, take a look at your iCloud storage and see how many messages you have from people you know and don’t know? I will dig deeper into this later in the blog
Digging deeper into texts, Watsapp, Social Media Messages, and all Direct Messages
The thought process of this blog subject occurred when I was sending out my "Happy New Year 2022" text messages. That moment I harbored an epiphany. I realized as never before that my mind is directly correlated to what is in my hands. As I held my smartphone device and I scrolled through my usual friends, I began witnessing that I was texting many that:
Never reply or text back.
Only reply/text back but never initiate
Numbers I barely recognize
People I had not spoken to in years
Friends that shifted and are no longer friends
A family that never initiates
Arrogant people that expect to be remembered but never execute
Then the acquaintances that are so so but not too close or care to reply.
That's when I realized THREE Key Elements.
Compassionate people create value, disgust, and sadness.
For compassionate people, expression of love all the time is ubiquitous. However, it is a bit too much for those who are not as romantic with friends or life in general and may even be overwhelming at times. Each time you send a text, and after many attempts, you feel and think, 'why do you even bother?' By texting loving messages automatically weekly, you are essentially diminishing your value. At the same time, the receiving end has alas become immune to your loving expression. Absorb that for a moment*.
You may even begin to feel pitiful that you put in a tremendous amount of genuine love and effort, so why is it not being reciprocated or received well. You may experience second thoughts filled with disgust or contempt that one should be respected with the same they are giving—these days who isn't busy. Whether you have an active career, many children, or whatever keeps you occupied, you must acknowledge that everyone and their mother is just as busy. So next time, welcome a loving text, APPRECIATE and have a heart, respond!
2. Eats into your precious time.
We all are here for a limited time. Every femtosecond of our life is valuable ad precious. What we decide to do or whom we choose to allocate that time to is a big deal. Taking out time to let someone in your life know you are thinking of them or appreciate them is no undersized aspect. And if you are on the receiving end, you better damn well consider yourself fortunate. No one is obligated to remember you. We often take life for granted and forget the being loved is a privilege.
3. Your Smartphone needs a Deep Cleanse - Time to Declutter your A.I. (Android & iOs)
Now for those that go nuts texting - STOP!
You can care for numerous people; it doesn't necessarily mean they get a seat at your table. It's okay to express your benevolent love differently to different friendship sectors. Otherwise, you will devalue yourself, forfeit a friend who feels overwhelmed by your emotions, or you will not evolve. You must discover to 'read the text' similar to 'read the room .' Sometimes your genuine expression is lost in translation. So save it for those that understand it.
Out of sight, out of mind; if you are anything like myself, as soon as I see a name on my text list, I will immediately, without thinking, send an 'I miss you, 'love you,' or some cute emoji's. The concern lies in not differentiating between those who take the extra effort to initiate and continue a healthy relationship and those who are just there.
So DELETE- YESSS - Delete the message thread if they did not speak to you in months or years. If they never initiated or cared to ask, learn to 'LET GO &GROW.' Delete the entire thread. Please leave them in your smartphone contacts, though no need to see their name as you scroll down your list. Keep your phone screen and scrolling all positive with only those that display you mean something to them. Being humble and being civil is vastly different. Recognize it.
DELETE OLD HAPPY MESSAGES - I understand this one may be the most confusing and unexpected and the most challenging of them all. To grow, we must appreciate what was once in our life and is no more by letting go—no need to attach any ill-will. However, leaving a long thread for years or months of conversations with someone who is no longer in your life intentionally is just glum. It would be best if you appreciated the memories you created and, after some time, moved on. See old happy messages can do one of many things:
1. Make you miss that happy feeling - nostalgia - (not necessarily a good thing. Be grateful for it but think about the present moment.)
2. You might be tempted to reach out to this person who ghosted you or dropped you. And if you send a text and hear zero back or an insensitive text, it will only play destructive thoughts in your head, as in, 'why are they not responding?' Once again; ultimately futile to do so. What is done is done. Accept it as your fate. Consider what the reason was for them in your life. Appreciate what you had. Learn to let go. Do not bear any weight on your smartphone. The same goes for a bad breakup or a divorce. Stop saving texts that make you judge emotion with someone who is not an active member of your life. You are just extinguishing time, emotion, and mental clarity.
3. Smartphones maintain a distinctive nature to make people feel bad and sad. With all the exaggerated, fronted, and diluted happiness people post, you will feel like shit. Relax, everyone has matters going on. Most probably worse than yours. Be stronger for it. Do not let your smartphone and its apps play mind games with you. So long as the device is in your hands and you see what it wants you to see or what you do not get rid of that is terrible for you, you will also feel inadequate. So STOP - BREATHE- LET GO - &- DELETE anything not needed.
Most of my readers were born in an era where smartphones did not exist until after college. Ergo we know it is very much possible to live without a phone. We have grown accustomed to it. Like anything else, it is an addiction or a so-called obsession. And while many have reaped significant benefits such as:
Business Opportunities
Mental Health Awareness
Abuse Outreach
And so much more
We can continue to use it wisely without compromising a great deal of ourselves and the people in our life that matter. Because regardless of all the benefits, you will not care about your A.I., and it won't care about you on your deathbed. You will only desire more time in this life and your loved ones near. Such are the sentiments of Smartphone creator Steve Jobs himself. Let that sink in.
Ways to Eradicate Phone Usage
Stay away from using your phone as soon as you wake up or your morning bathroom routine. Just let your phone be. The incoming messages, calls, and notifications will be limitless. You must be in control and put a stop to it. At least for your first thirty minutes. Be with yourself, not your A.I.
Try to text less and pick up the phone and call someone like we did when we had a house phone. I am sure anyone here would consent that a voicemail asking about how we are doing puts a more grandeur smile on our hearts than a, 'how are you' text?
How important is TikTok, FB, IG to you? Is it for business purposes? If not, relax. Practice not being on your smartphone, taking breaks during the day, and maybe increasing the break time weekly. Not every breath needs to be captured on camera and shown to the world. Trust me, I know. I used to post a lot. I've calmed down this year and am down seventy-six percent less weekly. I love it. I find I own more time to clean, cook, bake, sleep, do a family activity, read a book, or even enjoy a candlelit bubble bath with rose petals and the whole shebang. My mind increased the amount of free space, and clarity began to grow. Along with clarity came much peace of mind. Should this surprise you?
Overall, life itself is a path of choices. No one can choose your way except you. Though if you hand your path over to A.I. - you can kiss your inner peace, sayonara.
Decluttering your smartphone will take a load off your mind. Trust me when I say, 'YOU ARE WORTH IT.'
Combating Phonography,