MAN & FEAST (manifest)

Away the Dark Beast

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
— Virginia Woolf

Our greatest memories are the union of man and food. Whether it's a celebratory dinner from yesterday or one currently planning for the near future, every being, regardless of race, color, creed, or religion, expresses the language of sharing quality time over good food.

Whether that meal is home-cooked or at a Michelin restaurant, the memories created should feed more than the body; it should fuel the soul.


So what is it about 'Man' that brings one comfort? Alas, as we experienced during the pandemic lockdown, isolation was traumatic and unhealthy for most of the world. That's because God created and intended for 'Man' to be there for one another. In times of joy and distress. Sharing, venting your anxieties, pain, worries with another soul alleviates much of the duress most immediately. A feeling of no longer holding that burden in solitary confinement eases the tightness in your chest.

What is a wedding without people to attend? Or, for that matter, any joyous event. The word 'event' would be non-existent without 'Man' or 'Food' for that matter.

Society must relearn that we all are here for a purpose. That determination is more than ambition; the most significant purpose of life is 'connection.' What pleasure is there if there is no one to share it? How do you express good news if there is no one to celebrate? How do you cry on a shoulder if there is no shoulder available?

Love, affection, admiration, celebrations, condolences, sympathy, empathy, and support are in the presence of the soul or a congregation of people.

The next time you catch yourself feeling hopeless, lonely, or even fearful, reach out to someone and ask for an ear, a hand, a shoulder, a wise word, or a hug. Even if it's for just a bit of hope, it's a great start. It will remove you from the darkness that lurks inside of you during unfavorable times.


What is it about food: Maybe it's the luscious aroma, vibrant hues, the presentation delivery, or aphrodisiac appreciation; regardless of what it is, there never existed a memorable event without food. Oh, the countless concoctions of elements that savor in our mouth produce emotions of nostalgia, happiness, encouragement, and most of all, strength, the strength to carry on. Although nutrients are vital for our well-being, a fat juicy burger sometimes puts smiles on many faces. Even game night with friends and family isn't the same without chips and dip, or did you experience a family movie night without popcorn or fresh baked goods?

Nutrients in food can elevate the production of your body's feel-good chemicals: serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin regulates your mood and promotes sleep. Dopamine manages motivation, attention, and emotional reward.

If you are feeling down, choose food with nutrients that stimulate feel-good feelings. Or NOT! Bite into that greasy sandwich. Feeling down is the worst feeling. Food should not be the end-all answer for sadness and anxiety, though it can get you out of the slump moment as a pick-me-up. Even better if you prefer healthy food. For a detailed look at healthy foods, check out my blog, 'Health is Wealth,' with full-on details of gut healing. Click below.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
— Hippocrates

The connection between nutrition, our thoughts and emotions, and social interactions is mind-blowing. Why does food enhance pleasure? Food is both a positive supplement to an enjoyable life; additionally, it can be a dangerous path for filling cravings lacking in your greatest values. (topic for another blog). However, if you are aware of your most significant values and live following them, then food will only add to the power of your happiness.

Emotions/feelings are a dominant trigger for food choices. From a young age, food becomes associated with a variety of emotions and social interactions. Whether sad, happy, celebrating, commemorating, lonely, angry, food supports and copes with these emotions and circumstances. This relationship can start well before we are even in control of our diet, influenced by our parent's choices for us.

Primitively we as humans do many things to either seek pleasure or evade misery. Eating is no different. On a basic level, we can endure "pain" in the form of hunger and explore happiness in sustenance (food & drink). Now consider that when emotions become entangled, we begin to shun other forms of pain more relevant to emotions, and because we learned that food or drink provides pleasure, we begin to use these substances for reasons beyond hunger. Pick up the phone, call a few friends and eat together. As long as you are cognizant and can control any limitations, use this to your advantage.

Let's get into more detail; what is it about food that connects people?

Food brought people together for eons. It's the number one way for people to connect. Whether it's a holiday, a weekend social gathering, a night out, a coffee date, even corporate lunches, food invariably enthralls an audience. A full spread can drop jaws and create much laughter. Our mind sees something captivating and pleasurable and automatically releases oxytocin; ergo, we naturally begin to feel better and are diverted from our anxieties. Even if it is for a moment, every moment counts.

Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It’s not about nutrients and calories. It’s about sharing. It’s about honesty. It’s about identity.
— Louise Fresco

I've been suffering from chronic pain for almost a year now. Some days I can not even smile, talk or let alone swallow. The pain is excruciating, and I wish it on no one. Although I am limited in eating till my mouth suffering resolves, I still choose to wake up and stand tall to fight my battle daily. Pictures sometimes portray too much or too little. It all depends on the reader and their interpretation based on their level of knowledge, perspective judgment, and quite frankly, much Bullshit!

This evening was indeed a highlight for me of my many days of struggle, as was my birthday dinner and a few other gatherings I was blessed to attend. During a moment of defeat and darkness, get yourself the motivation and a damn good excuse to get out there and surround yourself with good men and great food. Once you do that, your body with get the hint to start repairing any damages, mental, emotional, or physical.


Man & Feast Your Way Out!

Chilling & Feasting Forever Yours,