Mentally Attractive

The most healthy minds breed healthy bodies and vice versa.
— Zig-Ziglar

It’s funny, isn’t it? As soon as we hear attractive, we vision physically fit bodies, specific idealistic features, and a world of impressive traits. This attractiveness is temporary, short term and eventually fades away. Being mentally attractive is long-term, and it includes how you feel, behave, and improve in how you treat yourself and others.

Through my now Ninety-two blogs, I considered it might be a powerful tool to create a ‘Blog Concoction’ of some favorites that will help you achieve mental attractiveness. Get these methodologies down, trust the process, and you can thank me later ;p

  1. Admit You Can Be Wrong

  2. Make Each Moment Special

  3. Know Who You Are

  4. Let Your Outside In

  5. Get What You Want

Click the above links to read more on how to achieve Mental attractiveness

  1. Vocalizing your mistake makes you vulnerable, yet it also makes you attractive. A majority of the world holds trouble admitting they made a mistake. Do these people ever look attractive to you? Or do they seem immature, egotistical, and stubborn in their ways? I urge you to leave them be, and you move on to be someone who can admit when they are wrong. Humility and maturity are more attractive than denial and ego. If someone can put aside their ego and own up to their mistake, say they are sorry and show an honest willingness to change, I would consider it very attractive. Click link number one to see how owning up to your mistake makes you more robust, wiser, and more attractive.

  2. Living the same day every day can feel monotonous. It can also obliterate the excitement of life. Remember to live it up with some enthusiasm and passion as much as you can. Do something spontaneous. Maybe try and surprise someone or even yourself. Live in the moment, for you don't know which moment will be your last. But if each moment you lived was exciting, you can look back and be excited that you lived an adventurous life. Click link number two to find out more on the secret to making each moment special.

  3. Once the clutter and the access noise are gone, you can hear yourself and learn more about yourself. Anything in life is complicated when you do not know who you are and your purpose and mission. And the opposite is true as well; when you know who you are, almost anything you desire is achievable. Click link number three to learn more about the methods to know about your purpose.

  4. Often we behave quite differently with those we are close to and with those outside our nuclear circle. Why do you think that is? Why do we treat those that are less invested in our happiness with more incredible courtesy, love, and support? What would happen if you converted your thoughts and decided to treat those you live with the same courtesy as your friends and guests. A complete-blown environmental change is what I expect. Try it out and let me know. Click link number four to see how you can let your outside in.

  5. The DISTANCE between what you WANT and what you GET is what you DO. You'll never get it if you don't go after what you want. That's simple. Just get it. Without complications, fear of judgment, or dreadful ramifications. The only caveat is that you cannot harm, hinder, or stop someone else from 'getting what they want.' So long as your desires do not control the urge of another individual, you do not need to feel guilty. Live yourself and let others live. You come to this life alone, and you leave alone. Why not try to apprehend that the sole purpose of this life is to evolve your individuality, not the individuality of others, no matter what the relationship is? You do you, and let them be them. Any relationship is mutual consent or exchange of love and support. If you hinder the joys of that individual, you are only hurting yourself in the long run. For more on getting what you want, click on link number five.

Becoming mentally attractive isn't easy but worth it. Think of it as a challenge like the Rubix cube. Initially, it seems almost impossible. As you begin to play around with it, it becomes more exciting, and then you find yourself getting involved and fascinated to decipher as much of the cube as possible. And one day, when you ultimately reach your "I did it" moment, you feel well accomplished and earned some bragging rights to feel more mentally attractive.

It is precisely the same with all your confusing puzzles in your mind. They feel like a cluster, but you are focusing on the wrong aspects. Make some changes in yourself for the greater good. Unattractive people continually make the same mistakes because their insecure ego controls them from taking accountability for their bullshit, toxic traits, and errors. Attractive people hold self-awareness to call themselves out because they know blame doesn't create change, and they care more about making things right than being right. Let that sink in. Don't worry about others. You grow yourself and watch as you unfold into a very attractive being.

Working Daily on Becoming More Mentally Attractive,