Christmas Miracle

Or Universal Miracle

— Edna Ferber

Whimsical, Merry, Loving, Cheerful, Giving are a few of the infinite feelings that come around this time of the year. Ergo, is ‘Christmas’ actually a season or a unanimous collaboration of what most of the universe feels simultaneous?

Let’s meditate on this thought for a moment. During challenging times as the unwelcome pandemic raged, a world-weary fear, defeat of hope, and much devastation, all sentiments were unanimously scared. A few held firm, whereas most were terrified. On the contrary, the positive energy vibe has the exact capacity of a domino effect. There is an inspiration for joy, celebration, warmth, and kindness. The human starvation for giving and receiving affection, appreciating the blessings, and a desire to celebrate will intrinsically emerge. Especially after Three-hundred-fifty-nine days of triumphing considerable unexpected challenges, who wouldn’t be craving a moment of warm fuzziness, decadent hot cocoa with a dash of cinnamon, first fall of delicate snow flurries, joys of decorating a colorful, vibrant tree, with tiny surprises for those who supported you all year long, and especially being grateful to end the year with your loved ones at home—blessed to hold them by your side still.

Before we convey the Christmas feelings, let it be understood that this blog serves as a reminder of two ways to live; which one will you choose?

‘either nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle.’

Wishing for a Miracle

We all hold wishes for our health, family and friends, career goals, life purpose, or wishing to be able to sit back and internalize the serenity of simplicity. These tiny gleeful moments are more extraordinary than you suppose. They last a few femtoseconds, though what they bring to your evolutionary soul is far greater. And you can cherish them in the form of gratitude. Since Thanksgiving, the past periodic blogs focused on 'gratitude.' Essentially, that's what 'Christmas' conveys in people worldwide. Can you imagine decorating a tree with bitterness, sorrow, or irritation? Heck no! That vanquishes the objective. These tad gratitude moments concurrently produce a month/season of perpetual joyous memories.

So really, what is a miracle, you say? That is entirely from your perspective. I consider waking up a gift. I even feel that brushing my teeth is a miracle (those who read the OMGodess Blog will understand.) The ten months I outlived my chronic pain were a miracle in hindsight. But why? Why did in the back burner of my mind did I keep reiterating, 'I will be all right by Christmas.' I flew to Istanbul, Turkey, for eleven procedures and two surgeries. I came home and am on the way to recovery. Should I regard this as a 'Christmas Miracle' or a 'Universal Miracle?'

While it feels like a Christmas miracle, I know the truth lies that I strongly exhibited faith in the universe that before Christmas, I will heal. Therefore I am healing. A universal miracle it was.

Now let's talk about you. What is your 'Universal Miracle?' Your Miracle is you! Yes, allow me to explain. You see, your mind controls it all: patience, perseverance, diligence, hope, and positivity. So each time you strike a bump on the road, your natural tendency is to fix the concern as fast as possible with minor outcomes of negative ramifications. And at times, you judged you lacked, and your convictions were vulnerable, so you were riddled in a rut, and you presumed you could not equip or assemble resources for yourself. Though you see the Miracle here is your mind, it shall not let you give up. You've evolved without knowing; you grew each minute of this cataclysmic year. Your soul will ask the universe in the form of a whisper to escape the predicament. The universe heard you and delivered, again and again. You've been through some difficult times in your life, yet hope kept coming. At times your chest felt compressed; you thought you were running and weren't even sure how you would make it to the next day. Though somehow, resilience kept coming, euphoria kept coming; a tomorrow kept coming, the universe kept supplying. That is a universal miracle. That is you calling for a blessing; you are that Miracle.

So this Christmas, give yourself the greatest gift you got, you!

This Holiday, I illustrated that every trinket, ornament, wrapping, and lighting was a miracle and that I was blessed. The more I enjoyed these tiny minor additions, the more I began to design an atmosphere of a winter wonderland. The concluded result is so eyeing pleasing, and I could gaze at it all day feeling whimsical, jolly, loving, giving sentiments. All this positivity is a miracle. The fact that I can sit here in the comfort of my wonderfully ornamented, warm home filled with a loving family is a miracle itself. In my eyes, everything is a miracle. If you start applying this ideology to your life, I promise you; nothing will hurt you. You will become happier for it.

Tell me honestly, what is not a miracle? It is a miracle that you are still here with us this season. Stop stressing. Annihilate feelings of confusion, toxicity, anxiety and do what brings you peace and joy. You are responsible for only your feelings. So count your blessings and miracles each day. Do what it takes to feel that 'holiday adrenaline rush,' 'The merry music,' 'The lit up neighborhoods,' 'the gift of your valuable presence.'

True meaning of Christmas

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The true meaning of Christmas is a phrase that began to appear in the mid-19th century when a shift toward a more secular culture resulted in a national backlash. Christians began to see the secularization of the celebration day of the birth of Christ as the shift toward Santa Claus and gift exchanging replaced the celebration of the advent of Christ and giving to the poor and needy without expectation of receiving anything in return. The poem A Visit from St. Nicholas (1822) helped popularize the tradition of exchanging gifts, and seasonal Christmas shopping began to assume economic importance. Harriet Beecher Stowe criticizes the commercialization in her story "Christmas; or, the Good Fairy".[1] An early expression of this sentiment using the phrase of "the true meaning" is found in The American magazine, vol. 28 (1889):

"to give up one's very self – to think only of others – how to bring the greatest happiness to others – that is the true meaning of Christmas."[2]


Why is it that Muslims don't celebrate the festive holiday? Some have the misconception that we don't believe in Prophet Jesus. On the contrary, Muslims believe in all the prophets of God and especially hold Jesus very high.

In chapter 5, verse 76 of the Qur'an, God says, "Surely Allah gives you good news with a word from Him of whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, worthy of regard in this world and the hereafter." Interestingly, Jesus' name is mentioned more times in the Qur'an than that of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be on him). This shows that we believe that Prophet Jesus was the Messiah.

The single distinction is that Muslims don't believe Prophet Jesus is the son of God. There is also much respect given to Holy Mother Mary (peace be upon her). There's a whole chapter (19) of the Qur'an, Maryam, dedicated to the excellent figure.

So why are we celebrating some of the festivities in our home? As I mentioned in previous blogs, I grew up on the 4th floor of an apartment building in Brooklyn. Our building neighbor Gladys and her son Omar celebrated Christmas & The Three Kings Day. We gathered together in her apartment by the tree each Christmas and opened our gifts at midnight. I still remember the anticipation, the laughter, and the warmth. After mom passed and we moved, I lost touch with Gladys (no computers or cell phones back then) and sought all over for her. For decades I would say to myself, "God, the day I find her, I want to thank her for bringing us so much joy when we were little kids. I want to give back to her now that I am older." Finally, when developed, I found her twenty-five years later. In the time I longed for her, our Christmas memories kept our relationship alive all those years. And the memories also included my mother, so all in all, it was nothing but fond memories of loved ones laughing, having milk and cookies, and playing Christmas games while we anticipate midnight to open our gifts. Ergo I am continuing my childhood happy memories with my children. And I am optimistic they will take this tradition down to the next generation. As close as one is spiritual to their own beliefs and customs, you can still be open-minded and appreciate the assimilation living in one of the most diversified countries of the world—globalization in its most whimsical form.

HOW TO FEEL Jolly - FaLaLaLaLa

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.
— Harlan Miller

Spread Your Purpose, Love and light

Our evolutionary growth is futile if we do not apply it as we grow. Like every muscle or bone in our body, unused areas become weak. Let's strengthen our love and light to help others and ourselves this season. If you limit your love, you are essentially stunting your natural human kindness. To bestow love is a great honor. The more passion you give, the more love you get. I know what you are thinking here, 'not necessarily right?'

On the contrary, it is true. You might not receive that same unconditional love from the one you give it to, though leave it to the universe to give it back to you. Don't hold out your love where it will benefit others. Give how much you can without modulating adoration. People pick up on nonverbal cues, so be as kind as you possibly can. To yourself and others. No matter who it is. You don't have to be best friends, intimate, or close, while it is your responsibility to be human rather than be a human being. Here are a few suggestions to help your holiday be cheerful.

  • Give yourself and each other a little more room.

  • Be a little more generous with your time.

  • Be a little more playful.

  • Be a little kinder to all.

  • Rather than being irritated, honor others' differences.

  • Give more love rather than trying to get more.

  • Stop measuring love as a transaction and believe that it is already there, always.

  • Don't pull love away when you are not in a great mood; love still.

  • Trust the process of life, let go and breathe.

  • Increase your capacity to let things go

  • Resonate, don't Hate! People make mistakes all the time; stop holding a grudge. Think about how many mistakes you made and will continue to make.

  • Think about how you could have done something better for someone

  • Live in the present moment.

  • Say Thank you more

  • Say I miss you more.

  • Say I love you more.

  • Hug More

  • Would you please give more attention to those that need it? Just because you don't need it doesn't mean others don't. Hold the willingness to be more attentive, compassionate, and affectionate.

  • Let your Mind-body and heart mend to forgive others and yourself and be more in the present moment with more generous love to give and more natural holiday smiles coming from the true spirit of holiday feelings.

Either everything is a miracle, or nothing is a miracle. What have you decided? You hold power to every selection you make silently. Enjoy the miracles that surround you daily. Everything is a miracle. Become the fuzzy-wuzzy warmth you feel this season. Enlighten your soul the way the neighborhood lights up for the holidays. Decorate your mind with happy trinket thoughts to keep you smiling with gratitude, open your heart with as much enthusiasm you open your gifts, give your love the way you wish to be loved. And most of all, always cheer for yourself the way you cheer the holiday spirit. Happy holidays.

Blessings From Our Family To Yours,




This Season Spread The Gift of KINDNESS, WARMTH & LOVE ❤️