Courage is Confidence by Greenwich Med Spa


Honored to be chosen by the Critically Acclaimed @greenwichmedspa as a Confident Women for the #courageisconfidence Campaign. While working on this campaign I met the most brilliant and pleasant women I’ve come around in a while. It just goes to show that when you finally believe in yourself and your worthy cause; life connects you with people of the same wavelength. I knew I was a confident bad ass; but I must say I’m feeling pretty darn COURAGEOUS now too!! Thanks to the great A-team at Greenwich Med Spa. Let’s raise awareness to strongest breed of beings: WOMEN!


Meet Aneela, 41, a beauty expert and women empowerment influencer. You could think of her as the "woman whisperer" because she feels most at peace when helping others find their true passions and callings. Early on as a lead makeup artist, she realized the search for the right lipstick shade went much more in-depth, ergo she took the time to talk to clients and help guide that inner fulfillment.

But, Aneela's gift took time to surface. Bringing self-love to herself was a journey. She grappled with the devastating loss of her mother, then to overcome the emotional scars of being bullied and finally finding clarity on an unforgettable voyage to Paris. Aneela's life could've gone in a much different direction. Instead, she took control of the narrative and changed the tone. Here's how you can follow her advice and find the right path too.

Sometimes You Need to Get Over It

"When I'm feeling doubt, I ask myself, 'Is this whom you want to be right now? Is this the kind of person that you'd be proud of?' And I'll say, 'No, this is not whom I want to be, so this is not whom I'm going to be.' I get myself out of that mode by meditating, connecting with my inner love, applying makeup, a cute outfit, and going out. I'm proud that I carried myself out of bed and did what I needed to do. The hardest part is admitting it. Once you acknowledge your pain body, the rest is easy."

Role Models Come in All Forms

"I lost my mom when I was 10, ergo I ponder, 'What would she want from me?' I hold her to a high pedestal. She'd want me to do the right thing. She'd want me to be stronger. Through this vision, I created an ideal version of myself that I strive for daily."

What True Moments of Confidence Feel Like

"When you feel confident, you feel like Teflon. Nothing anyone says will disappoint you. It bounces off you. You're smiling; you're laughing, you appreciate life. You love the people around you, and each moment is gratifying. It's the absence of loud insecurities in your head. It's a full 100% positive moment."

The Self-Talk That Changes It All

"When I'm feeling not so confident, I repeat to myself, 'I know I'm strong. I'm gorgeous. I'm important, and I hone many talents. I'm also a kind individual with a pure soul.' I reiterate my positive attributes. Affirmations help remind me that I carry much inside of me to give. My ultimate desire is to spread joy. I feel insecurities arise in people who desire an additional need from another. However, once we start giving, we will diminish the vulnerability we're desperately holding. I know it sounds silly, telling yourself, 'I love myself exactly the way I am, and there's nothing I would change about me.' We're all growing with wisdom. There's no reason to feel frustrated towards yourself. We make mistakes, but if you hold to them, you train to be hard on yourself, and it will only get worse. I learned to forgive myself after something unpleasing happens. Just say, 'Okay, that wasn't okay, but it's okay. It's over, time to move on, and I still love myself."

Follow Your Passion—Even to Paris

"I had an unfortunate life after my mom deceased. I grew up with people bullying me for nearly 20 years. It induced detrimental damage. Although I was youthful, beautiful, had many friends, a good career, and a degree in Chemistry, everything one needs, I still questioned myself. Surrounded by people putting you down, a part of your subconscious reasons, 'What am I missing? What's wrong with me?' For the most longspun time, I was evaluating, 'What is wrong with me?' Then the turning point befell when I started falling in love with the idea of Paris. It was completely random. I never toured Paris. Still, my home held tons of Parisian modelings, pictures, and decoration; everything became about Paris. An absolute fascination. One random day I told my husband, 'I'm just going to go to Paris.' And he responded, 'Just like that?' I answered, 'Yes, just like that. It's beckoning me, and I want to go.' I arrived and witnessed the iconic Eiffel Tower at 6:00 in the morning. I glanced up and observing how towering it was made me apprehend how far I am from my base. I understood how vast the world was and how miniature I made myself. I was reflecting on how conditions went remarkably wrong—there's so much more extended to this world than I perceived. I aspired to grow—and beginning today, I'm going to grow each day. I'm going to attempt to be a better person than I was previously. And it starts with me'. I came back home; I began a small business and lived happily since. Everybody questions, 'How do you seem more beautiful as you age? You're looking more youthful daily.' Truth is you must be happy, and you become courageous to be confident. There are insecurities all around us. Everyone possesses them; regardless, we must love ourselves."

Full Story referenced from following link:

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Greenwich Med Spa

Greenwich Westport Scarsdale

1285 E. Putnam Ave 645 Post Road East  1132 Wilmot Road 

Riverside, CT 06878 Westport, CT 06880 Scarsdale, NY 10583