
Or Exit

Work Hard In Silence and Let Success Makes The Noise.
— Frank Ocean

While contemplating about working strenuously to accomplish our goals, there’s perpetually a question that darts in our thoughts, and that is, “what drives people to work extremely hard, like day and night, do they ever sleep? How come they are so strong-minded about their life goals?”

Even if intelligence is an essential element, the first thing that compels many individuals to work hard is hunger; when this hunger propels you to earn more, get more, do more, and become the best at what you do.

To me, everybody possesses that hunger; however, it can be lifeless for some people. The rationale for that is they are frightened to fail. That’s why they never try. Human nature for ages brainwashes us to protect ourselves from the fear of failure by lessening our winning expectations. Some people affirm their fate and move on, while others determine that they had enough.

Consequently, it is time to begin working hard in silence and admire yourself with confident compliments.

REFUSE the HATE. It's become general knowledge that as you climb the ladder of success, alas, people will congregate to defeat the steps of your ladder. They will stop at nothing to hinder your success. Little do they know, they are only encouraging you. You see, they can't fathom your hunger or drive; therefore, they hold zero inclination that your grit is built within and your dire purpose is to succeed.

Whether you wish to be a CEO, World Model, Scientist, Engineer, Chef, Artist, Entrepreneur or anything…. people will slight you. And the majority of the time, it is the ones that keep feeding you the carrots, and you keep on running. In their mind, they presume you are too ignorant to notice their intent. Except you're anything but foolish, and you are more innovative than they suspected.

Call it hate, intimidation, envy, fear, or even a cluster fuck of emotions; your direct boss, manager, friend, best friend, or even a stranger will perceive you as a threat because you proceed to thrive regardless of their obstructions. What fools don't understand is that with every difficulty, you grow more influential. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

So let them look at themselves in the mirror, denying their lack of humility and justice. Nowadays, for them it's whom you know, not what you know. Fortunately for you, if you refuse the hate, you won't get caught up in their negativity web, and you can turn things around pretty swiftly.

Sometimes, you will experience days that are hard af and feel like a failure; remember that's what they want you to feel; your soul will ignite and evoke to you that you are so close to succeeding. Let them talk, be unfair, laugh behind you, talk about you, entrap you and all such acts define who they are. They do not dare to look you in the face and say, 'Yes I know you can be better than me and I want you to fly.'

All my life, I held two types of positions at every job. Either I was the LEAD, BEST diligent employee, or I was used and abused to the point of ridicule. The latter is my fault for not recognizing my worth. In hindsight, others knew my value; ergo, they sought to suppress it.

You see, there is a fine line between loyalty and possessing some balls. Suppose you can see when your dedication is taken for granted, then grow some balls and speak up or walk away. If you dare to speak up, then the loyalty actors will deliberately break down as their answers to you will keep shifting. A clever person's story will never match up to be smooth because it is continuously based on lies. And there are too many that they can't keep up with their lies. Someone loyal will always repeat the same story from where they left off.

And at the end of the day, some people don't have what it takes to encourage you to become more successful because they are content with their life, and they don't know the true meaning of ambition. If you get stuck with a Friend/boss/enemy like that, your shit outta luck because you are getting played by ignorance on both parties.

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Kicking ass at work daily means it is your passion, and you will work wholeheartedly until you accomplish your goals. There is a massive distinction between workaholics and productivity. Workaholics are those that work hours on end, sacrifice their favorite activities, surrender their hobbies, time with family and friends, and always stress about work work work.

Productivity is fundamental when you love what you do. You don't feel like you are working. You're always smiling and skipping with joy when you speak about performance. All the hours you invest do not drain but instead uplift you and encourage you to do better. Where there is a will, there is a way. I worked twelve hour days, surviving on my heels looking for clients. Inside I knew I wasn't happy; only I continued pushing as a workaholic. Now I work fewer hours, no heels, exceptional clients, and I hold inner peace. At times I grow angry at myself for not taking this step earlier. However, I know I had to suffer from learning my lesson, my worth, values, and dreams. Now I hold a career where I do not require to up-sell, deceive, persuade, hear why I am not worthy enough, put under misleading implication of promotions, and the most significant of them all, no one can shatter my dreams because I will not tolerate it. All that time, I felt unhappy because I held the fear of being pushed down for my integrity and unyielding work. When you finally conceive the wake-up call, trust me, there is no going back. I'm so good at what I do; I cannot see it not being a success. 

Work with passion, and your productivity shoots out like speeding bullets. You think clearly as your mind no longer sustains clogged hindrance and negativity from those who restrain you of natural purpose. Take your inner endurance, trust yourself, and roll with it.

What are you trying to prove to the world. Stay home and cook and clean for your good husband.
— -March 2012- Email from Anonymous

This rather selfish and indeed disturbing email was the most significant push to today's success. I want to thank this evil culprit for committing a deep-rooted act by their own pain body, only allowing me to plant my seed to the most meaningful purpose of my life. No, it wasn't easy by any means. Yes, I did choose to walk through it, and yes, I did succeed. From the bottom of my heart, ❤️ Thank you so very much. I pray whomever you were/are that you found your happiness and no longer crave the desire to put down someone that was never in your control. Bless you.

When I decided to change my career (March 2012), I received a few emails as shown above to deter me from contributing my skill to the world. After some shock of the email it pushed me and I went back to school for cosmetology. I didn't discover much as I knew it previously. However, I desired the certification for future business purposes. After graduating, my first job was at Sephora on Greenwich Avenue. My boss Denise hired me as a sales associate rather than the lead artist. I was frustrated as I was the only employee with authentic certification. Yet, I put my ego aside and said I could work my way up. Denise did not approve of my training in NYC either. She sent other coworkers that were from her ethnicity. When I confronted her, she said it was nothing personal.

I became the top salesperson and was receiving positive consumer feedback. Sephora runs these competitive employee sales contests. Although I didn't know much about all the store products, I regularly found a way to sell. Whenever I was near winning, selling the last item to win, Denise would send me home early, interrupt me speaking to the consumer, or deny that I won. I would request her to watch the video footage for evidence. She would come back and say the video was not at the right angle, broken camera, or deleted video footage. It was a constant barrage. I experienced night terrors for the entire year I worked there. The injustice indeed permeated my soul. One day a woman came in literally crying for help. Saying, "please do my makeup. I have to go to an important event, and I am the presenter." Denise denied me the right to serve this woman in need. I could not accept it. She said, "Mam, I am sorry, but we don't have enough time to do your makeup." I immediately rebutted with, 'Denise, according to Sephora rules, one feature for 15 minutes is allowed and is free of charge. Can I have 15 minutes with her'? She had no choice but to say yes. I sat this woman down and hurriedly informed her, 'listen, I will do your eye makeup and undereye coverage in 15 minutes. Just tell me what color dress you are wearing? Then I will pick up the perfect base, blush, and lip color for you to apply yourself at home." This woman was so delighted with my service and her look. She emailed my manager's manager's manager. Who emailed Denise back saying, "Who is this lovely Aneela? I would love for her to transform my eyes one day too."


Denise continued to restrain me until one day when she asked me to leave as I was nearly to win a contest. When I turned to look at the clock (twenty minutes early), I ended up slipping and fractured my tailbone. I did not apply for workers' compensation because I am an honest soul living this life to create a few smiles. I ended up resigning. Denise called me in for an exit interview. At the interview, she offered an exclusive promotion and my own office as a 'Personal Beauty Consultant.' Alas, it was a little too late. I declined and wished her well. Rumor has it after I left, numerous managers and associates quit. Denise ended up leaving as well. Not confident if it was her choice or not, although it was not a healthy environment with her.

Nevertheless, I must say, the assistant manager at the time was an amazing woman. She was incredibly supportive, followed all the rules but never suppressed any employees. She was the only glimmer that kept me there for a year. She always empowered me to do more and better. I love her so much. Thank you, Werusca.


I ended up venturing into NYC Fashion Runway with Designers, Models, Hair gurus, Radio Hosts, Bloggers, Musicians, Photographers, and what not. The excitement each time was like an adrenaline rush, and my work was ever-improving and becoming even more creative. Not to mention I met some friends for life. I also introduced and brought many people into the field. Some were grateful, and well, as you know, others came for a reason. It's all good. This was one of my favorite events. I felt ever so successful.

I took a previous Sephora manager to this huge Fashion Event where I was the Lead Artist Designer. The event was a massive success by all means. The night was impeccable. I was so thrilled to bring her on to my team. There was so much noise, flashes, models, laughter, networking. It was such a thrill I could relive it. Little did I know she could not stand the sight of my success. That night, I slipped and fell down the steps along with my costly airbrush machine while leaving the venue. I was in unimaginable pain and should have called an ambulance. My friend (so I thought) did not assist at all. I carried my belongings painfully to an NYC taxi cab, and we headed to grand central.

When a lovely young man saw me struggling down the grand central steps with my cosmetic travel case, he so sweetly offered to help. My friend, who didn't consider supporting, shouted, "why did he help you and not me ugh. Why do you have to be the lucky one?" The train ride home was unbearable. My dear friend from Old Greenwich was at the pickup location to help me get home safely. Once home, the manager friend asked me for food.

As I was making her food, I was crying in pain. I told my husband I need to go to the emergency room. Our children were so young, and we had no one to watch them. I didn't trust that friend anymore, who was utterly unhelpful. My other friend came back to my house and took me to Greenwich Emergency Hospital. I was there till morning. When I returned, my friend who had slept over didn't make the sofa bed, left everything dirty, and left without a message asking if I was all right. I didn't hear from her until a year later. I didn't reply. I do believe adverse conditions can happen to genuine people from envy. Instead of looking at the bright side, considering I am bringing her into a new industry, this woman was full of envy and could not stand to see me succeed. It was an awful feeling to experience both physical and emotional pain from that successful night.

Waking up to do what you love perpetually feels excellent. I brought my A-game to any job. The next phase of my career was by far the most long-drawn, with both many failures and successes. I persisted, believing my time would come. And it did. Although not with Lancôme. I joined Lancôme in 2013 for a more stable schedule with my family. As much as I love the fashion industry, it is considerably challenging to run it with little kids and not much help.

Here began my new life. I was meeting more colleagues and consumers, driving through the tri-state area for full-day events. My work ethic and my A-game were continuously up to par. After a few years in, I expressed interest in being the lead artist for events. Knowing I was more than capable and my consumer service is top-notch. My manager denied me the first few times, conveying they already found someone. It was always a male. I kept attempting, giving it all my very best and continually asking what else can I do to get promoted? When confronted, I would hear, "sorry there is not much I can do." I proceeded to work laboriously and long hours. Even after giving birth to my third child, born in 2014, I went back to work four weeks after delivery working till 1 AM. My feet felt like they were bleeding, yet I never gave up. I would pump milk during breaks, and I did everything always to show up. After I while, I suppose I grew bitter. I know she wanted to help but I cannot know how much she really tried. She did give me a chance at the polo Events in Greenwich. Which were a beautiful experience. Another Lancôme Manager walked into my life and guaranteed me a promotion. When the first round of interviews came, I took them all, even sent in my resume.

I went everywhere she directed me, near or far. In hopes I would capture the position as she sees my commitment and efforts. I will admit she gave me the chance to present as a speaker during Lancome Events, which I truly relished. Then additional managers asked me to present for them as well. I loved it so much. However, it wasn't a promotion in pay or title. One day I went to work, and I received a text from my manager, "Sorry I cannot make it today but the new director we hired will be there." This text hurt me. She knew I wanted this position, and I had assured her I could handle it. After two years of struggling like a dog, she convinced me I would get the job. When I showed up, the newly hired woman experienced a panic attack and could not handle low sales pressure or communicate well with the team.

Consequently, she left mid-day of the event. I was baffled because I could have taken care of this with ease. I confronted my manager, and she said if the position opens again, she will consider me.

At the end of that day, I went and sat in my car and punched my steering wheel, screaming, 'damn it, I am so much more than this. I know I am. I am going to transform my life tonight.' After serving family dinner, I went to my bedroom, locked the door, and gazed at the ceiling. I said, "Aneela, "Think, think, think, do not stop till you come up with an approach to make more money without being shoved around like a pile of horse shit." I stared and stared, and all of a sudden, it hit me. If I can do makeup for one person at a time, if I can lead an entire team at a time-pressured fashion show, then I can most definitely teach more women at one time. And that was the beginning of a new door for me called 'Touch of Klass', A posh hands-on experience of learning makeup application.

I held my first class privately, and after I observed it was a success, I filed and registered my business with the state of Connecticut. My next event was in NYC with more clients and a group of amazing friends who supported my business and helped me spread the word. Running a business is difficult work. So while I held their support, they could not continue. However, they gave me the strength to go on my own. The next and largest event was January of 2017, and it was a huge success. (Watch the video below, it was truly amazing.)


My useless manager called me immediately after to inquire all about my business details. And like a dumbfuck, I provided her the information. Lesson learned. Hold your cards close to your chest. She portrayed herself as proud by giving me 'lip service,' and gained my trust to continue working for her. She told me to treat my business as a hobby. Excuse my french but, 'WTF'.

I resumed to work my ass off wherever she needed me to go whenever, like a creature with no say. I kept believing my time is coming soon.

A few months following, I drove to a distant location and saw a man behind the counter. I introduced myself, and when he acquainted himself as the new director, my heart plummeted to the ground, and I couldn't even breathe. I attempted to stay at work as I never cancel. However, I couldn't. I went to the ladies' room to grieve privately. I drove back home in cuts and tears. I did not reply to my manager for five days. Instead of understanding my disappointment, she only entrenched herself, said it was improper for me to ignore her, and bestowed zero empathy. I did not wish to see her face ever again. It inflicted a repulsive feeling. The women I trusted and liked didn't possess the decency to rip the bandage. I know that it was my fault for trusting her, though I should have known better. I then focused on growing my business while simultaneously working for my previous manager, who now seemed more delicate than the aforementioned bitch.

I resumed to ask her to help me grow. She was well conscious that I was not happy anymore and desired more. Still, she remained to say, "I am sorry; there is nothing I can do." I heard this response for five long years.

One day she requested me to be part of a Master Class by Lancôme. I was delighted that she finally recognized my potential, and I called her captivated. She then clarified they had once again chosen another male, and they need me to assist as other associates will. Remarkably disappointed, I asked what is going on? She said, "trust me there is no slighting happening here."

I called a dear friend in India, Rajesh. I informed him what happened, and he, with his transcendent wisdom and a fantastic supporter in my life, said a simple response, "Aneela, can you increase your knowledge growth at the current position? Is there anything left for you to learn, or have you learned all that you can? If there's nothing more for you there, tell me exactly what do you need from them? Isn't the point of life to grow?"

All of a sudden, I gathered this monumental feeling. It was like an epiphany. I finally let go and focused on my career, which was the most significant moment of my life. I hold tight relationships with loyal clients and meet new clients weekly. I flourished in more ways than I perceived. And the best part is no one can ever tell me I'm not good enough ever again. Alls well ends well.


Success Speaks Volumes

Celebrating Individualists All my life, I was searching for the light in hopes that some exceptional woman would guide me to it. I'm not at all ashamed to admit; I stand corrected. The light was already in me! I was that woman I awaited. You see, we are all unique in our ways. We are here to contribute our piece to this world. Eventually, I became cognizant that my light wasn't for me; but rather a stepping stone for other women! I continuously wondered why the non-established came and once succeeded left? Why the singles came and, once hitched, move on? Why the uneducated once graduated disappeared. My most considerable pain, my presumed weakness; in actuality, was my grandest achievement. For all the people I helped graduate, for all the women I helped find true love, for all the women I inspired to start their business/aspirations, for all the women whose insecurity I converted to confidence, and last, but not least for all the Beautiful Faces my Makeup Brush, or my hand touched; I wish you all the best BLESSINGS! I am not here for any credit, but rather to hopefully clone more Emancipated Women!

Very Truly Yours,

𝓐𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓪 𝓚

Successfully Yours,



I would love to give a shout-out to Lancôme Colleagues who became my family and always supported my career in Lancôme or on my own.

  • Angela Sallustio - From day one she encouraged me and never let me fall. Always was proud.

  • Alex Sanchez - So respectful to me and to all. Always had nothing but good to say about me.

  • Sabrina Ladpuceur- This one heard me dreams a million times and never once said I don’t want to hear it. She always gave me extra hours.

  • Sagita - Very kind and appreciative for my hard work. And is now proud of my business.

  • Kristen Paquette - always supported me from day one. She never made me feel any less important even after leaving Lancôme.

  • Iliyana Dieaa - She’s become an elder sister. we don’t talk much but we are there for each other in prayers and emergencies.

  • Stephanie Kozacka - This one contacts me to represent Lancôme for her biggest event. I love her so much for her support.

  • Kate Boyer - Met her once and she had me at hello. She is one who empowers women.

  • Maryam - lovely colleague. She also appreciates my work and she works hard too.

  • Adeela Mirza - She was there for the day I felt as though I crashed. She tried her best to hold me high.

  • Irv - Such a pleasant man to work with. A really good friend now.

  • Brianna - Also a very sweet soul to work with. We had good memories together.