Dedicated To All Aneela K. Clients
“If you live your life with passion, every second will become an adventure.”
Feulogy - Future Eulogy
Yes. Aneela K., a woman who displayed great passion in all aspects of her being. However, her greatest passion was her clients. Every stroke of her magical brush, a tender touch of her hand, for each tip, recommendation, suggestion, opinion, and every moment she spent with her client inspired her to fire her passion even more.
It all began when Aneela was a young girl. The loss of her mother and absence of fatherly guidance left her alone and with exponentially growing pains of ascertaining a place where she belonged and felt loved. Oh, she searched for years and decades to find that love just for her and came unconditionally. A love with no boundaries, no constraints. The more she probed, the more profound realism she would come across.
Aneela worked strenuously, attaining and graduating honors in Chemistry and accomplishing a great career in the Pharmaceutical and biotech industry. However, something inside of her kept her empty. There existed a void that could not find its calling. Aneela became lost for a while, a long while.
Aneela was highly spiritual and constantly looked for answers and signs to lead her to the right path. After much solace in prayer, she decided to shift from a chemistry background to the beauty industry. Little did she know this was a huge turning point in her life.
“People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds, people who possess strong feelings, even people with great minds and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls.”
Initially, she worked on many random women across the nation and found it thrilling and full of new excitement. Having orchestrated an entire week of New York Fashion Week, Creating Music Videos, and some fun photoshoots with brilliant models and photographers. About three years into this new venture, Aneela felt a voice inside her speak loud and clear that she needed to find out more about herself and what she was looking for. That's when came about a sudden trip to the city of love, Paris. As Aneela stood looking up at the iconic Eiffel Tower, she suddenly realized that all she was searching, longing, and thirsting for was right inside her. LOVE! Yes, she realized that the love she had been longing for for decades was a blazing fire inside herself. And that is when she secured the ultimate decision; rather than searching for love, she will now unquestionably supply it to every single woman who comes in her direction.
Regardless of your past or future, all that mattered to Aneela was the present moment. And at that moment, the interaction between the two women must be beneficial. She made her client feel worthy, unique, and mostly LOVED, not for any other reason except for the mere fact that they purely exist.
Yes, it is scarce to find love that comes without strings attached. With Aneela, you knew you were loved without question. An incredible number of clients were astonishingly surprised at the level of attention and detail given by Aneela. The result was always fabulous, but the process itself was utterly fulfilling for both Aneela and that remarkable woman in her hands.
“It’s too bad if a heart lacks fire, and is deprived of the light of a heart ablaze. The day on which you are without passionate love is the most wasted day of your life.”
Aneela's greatest dream was to leave behind a legacy. A legacy that displayed there is nothing more important in this world than genuine love; a love without restrictions, conditions, or ramifications, but rather to love purely for the sake of loving and to share the gift of our hearts limitlessly. To make women feel like an essential soul walking this ground.
Aneela's reputation in her career as an entrepreneur would best be categorized as a women influencer. She possessed that special touch and enough love in her heart to give to bountiful, beautiful women across the world.
For her, it wasn't just the work itself you provide, but more importantly, the feeling you left behind.
Let the Beauty of what You Love be what You Do.
- Rumi
Each of you may be reading at this moment whether you were a model, a facial client, a coaching client, a consultation client, a bride, a makeup client, a loyal client, or a one-time client. Today, I couldn't be more confident that Aneela would wish to deliver a hearty Thank You to each one of her clients. Her display of words and emotions was nothing other than utterly pure love for your being and for you exchanging a precious moment of life with her. So once again, this eulogy is dedicated to every client of Aneela K.. Each of you, on your own and as a whole, played an integral role. You gave her a beautiful life; in fact, the most fantastic memories of her life.
The irony here is, you thought you were the one being beautified, when in fact, all this while you all filled her void and brought the most beautiful part of her being to live.
Cheers to Aneela K.,