F. E. A. R.
False Evidence Appearing Real
“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”
Imagination, initially intended to be a positive connotation, now shifted the world upside down. When did the world open practicing a surplus of fiction as the focal ingredient for F.E.A.R.? False Evidence Appearing Real. False Evidence Appearing Real. False Evidence Appearing Real. Would that be sufficient to make you feel ridiculously alert if you read it just one more time? Would you endure an epiphany? Would you observe your heart pumping a further inspiring beat? Would you, in nanoseconds, exhibit more courage?
Countless of us are suffering, myself included. Stop feeling bad for the hamster on the wheel. Essentially your mind games are executing the same spin on you. We are running around similar to lunatics living and breathing in a false reality. None of this shit is real. Everything you accuse someone of, you are afraid to do, or believe you are not good enough, is all FAKE.
The only natural substance is two parts: 'You' and 'Now.' It would benefit if you decided, do you desire to be courageous and live now in the moment? Or do you fancy continuing wallowing in suffering from your past and being bothered by your future? Whether your past was ten years since or yesterday and whether your future is tomorrow or ten years from now: relax; it will be okay.
We all need these reminders because we get snagged through habitual reactions to a false reality. It is, in a sense, our mind's way of protecting ourselves, but if you only knew, it is genuinely creating more irreversible damage and infliction to yourself and those around you.
Fear controls every situation. You read infinite statements about how some people are meant to stay and other leave. That's all bullshit. The ones that leave are because they hold fear. Fear that they cannot handle the relationship. Fears that people can't be good enough friends or family members. Anxiety is also fretting that insecurities will be exposed. Humiliation is a direct ramification of fear.
Train yourself to wake up sooner, now if you would or could. You breathe in air, but you exhale fear. Now how is that supposed to nourish you? You will revive if you shed anxiety by first and foremost learning to trust yourself. If you cannot entrust yourself and your thoughts, you will not alleviate fear from others because you do not trust yourself or them. Once again because fear is overpowering your reality. False Evidence Appearing Real. Reread it. And again. It's not true, people; it's a false reality.
We like to establish our opinion on the matter as a bandage to our pain, a pain implanted by ourselves. Then we condemn others for ripping off our bandages when we were not ready. Open your wounds; let them heal. Stop skulking backward the bandage. It's okay. Acknowledge your fears. Not with anger, yet with a serene understanding that all can improve in a split of a second if you wished to sail your boat in a more worthy and goal-oriented direction.
You are much more capable than you imagine you are. You do not need to implement fear to live a happy life. It is, in fact, the opposite. Fear kills your dreams. Not just once, twice, or thrice, but relentlessly again and again. Why take the beating? And then life will be either over or full of regretful moments in a blink of an eye. Let fear, regrets, pain go, be fearless; the power is within yourself to create a better version of yourself by ditching the insecurities held by fear. Love yourself, believe in yourself, appreciate your worth and your values. Create something beautiful from it or with someone. The experiences are endless. Once you decide to be fearless, happiness will take its place happily.
Practicing Fearlessness,