Be Savage Not Average
Sad Bitch Turned Savage
“People think that all the doors are opened in front of me, but it was me who pushed them open. ”
Being both soft and firm is a combination very few have mastered. The bulk of the most influential people you come across all hold their share of heartbreaking stories. These experiences, as painful as they were, and may still generate triggers, are also the rationalization for your strength.
Oh, the years I drifted, wetting my face extensively of massive heart-wrenching tears, repeatedly bellowing for my mother. Or to be embraced by any mother. Or calling for affection from my father or valued by a man unconditionally, broken from being bullied horrendously by ruthless people who continuously contradict their statements and unfoldings till this day, or manipulated unfairly because I possess a voice that sought to persist for myself. I never understood why I was predetermined for traumatic experiences. Today as I write my sadness completely and utterly raw in these blogs, I know it all.
Every ounce of me that exists and feels today is whom I choose to be. I hold tremendous endearment, and all my empathy comes from my past. My present is beautiful because of my history. Beautiful is subjective, so I would like to extrapolate what I express.
Today, I use my voice; my hunger to live without pain has not changed; however, my approach and thought process has. There are many ways to soothe yourself. However, you can only nourish yourself once you are content in your skin. If you are not confident being who you are, you will attract insecure people. You see, people will rip you apart, hate you, sought you as their enemy, feel intimidated by you for no good reason, envy you, and sadly sometimes misery likes company.
It's not about how you walk or talk; it must start and feel whole from within. You must genuinely believe in yourself wholeheartedly and love yourself for everything you are and everything you are not.
Social media is critical regard in both booming confidences as well as breaking them. Beware of what you fancy in your feed. What you view daily is what your spirits become.
I no longer grieve for my mother or look for love from other mothers. I acknowledge that I am a fabulous mother who pays attention to detail and executes all my children dreams to come true despite my battles. That is a 'Wonder Woman' indeed. I no longer search for a father figure or to be loved by a man unconditionally. I forgave my father for not being there when my mother passed. Losing a spouse is a painful wound. No one knows how one will function. My father came back into my life much later, and I immediately forgave him. Now I have an excellent relationship with my father. Marriage is not what you observe on Instagram. We all hold our roller-coaster days. In the end, if you possess healthy kids, a home, and you see the virtue in each other, that is a successful marriage.
I no longer cringe at being judged or care about what others say or believe. Can I assure you it is truly the most liberating feeling? You can accept me for who I am and who I am not, but I will do what feeds my soul. You must do so. If you don't make yourself happy, you will never be able to make someone else happy.
I am not saying it's not okay to cry. Yes, do cry, but only if it's for your health or your family, not over rumors, judgments, or people controlling you.
Most often, people are miserable because they do not have emotional support from their loved ones. Then they look for emotional support through others who are already committed. This substitution cause is exceptionally unhealthy. You must learn to love yourself, forget your past and your pain, live for today and do the little things that bring you joy.
The most eccentric people become living legends; stop trying to compete. There should be no such element. Stop comparing yourself; it only induces anxiety. You don't need to be a famous football player, an Olympic champion, a politician, or on television to be happy. It would be best if you were yourself. Stop feeling inadequate that you are ordinary. Being ordinary is fucken privilege.
The day you love yourself for all that you are, you will no longer be a sad bitch. You will see the savage in you come alive. Fight for what you believe. Stand up for justice. Use your God-given voice to empower yourself and those around you.
There's a massive distinction between being a sad bitch, and being savage. The most prominent and significant one is to cease feeling sorry for yourself. Stop imagining so much and live in the present moment. Do the actions that deliver inner peace and content to your soul. It does not need to make sense to anyone else. You can sit and do nothing, or you can stand tall and be all about yourself. I experienced a difficult life, I never conceived I would grow up to be a confident woman, and despite what the world threw at me, today I love my life so much, Mashallah. I took that sad ball and kicked it out of left field—no more batting or battling for me. I am done. If I did it, trust me, it was fucking hard; you can do it too.
No one will understand your pain better than yourself. Be gentle, then go full force and own it. Most of my posts are regarding my life, it's not to say I am a narcissist, yet no doubt I love who I am and my purpose in this temporary life. I feel beautiful, close to God, want to raise brilliant and validated children, maintain healthy relationships, pray to be healthy, be kind to others, and aspire to soar in my career. Everything else can fall in between the gaps I call, "I don't give a FUCK.'
Hey Sad Bitch - Be Savage. Don't be Average. You Got This.
Do No Harm,
Take No Shit,