Get What You Want

Without Inhibiting Wants of Others

The DISTANCE between what you WANT and what you GET is what you DO.

The psyche is a powerful ultimate machine that can emerge either a clusterfuck or genuine disturbing need to control the mind, heart, and soul if left at free will and undiscovered. Do not underestimate that your psyche can encompass you before you can grasp the moment and realize, ‘what the fuck was I thinking?’

As of 2021, there exists a population of 7,846,000,000. So why the fuck do you let ‘ten’ or ‘twenty’ people ruin your healthy mind? And why do you discern concern about what someone else is or is not doing?

The habit STOPS HERE! Stop controlling what others do, say, or think. Only focus on your inner desires and what you want in life. You see, most people feel they are not capable of X, Y, and Z. When in fact, you are capable of endless possibilities. Parameters created through the psyche feel unworthy or severely detrimental by the misery of other unwholesome people within your vicinity. There is no further explanation. Everything falls under these two categories. If you are around a suffering individual who demands to control, steal, withhold, or poke at what brings you joy, that is not okay. The need to control is only by those who cannot seek their pleasure at will. Or your upbringing through nature and nurture was filled with inadequacies. Therefore you feel you must articulate, control, strongly advise, be opinionated, and more with those who are carefree around you.

You have to let go. Let go and live. Live yourself and let others live. You come to this life alone, and you leave alone. Why not try to apprehend that the sole purpose of this life is to evolve your individuality, not the individuality of others, no matter what the relationship is? You do you, and let them be them. Any relationship is mutual consent or exchange of love and support. If you hinder the joys of that individual, you are only hurting yourself in the long run. You cannot coerce someone to live happily through your aspirations. Respect yourself by recognizing those are your desires, not theirs. And then respect them and let them be happy at their will. Two happy people will get along much better; it’s a guarantee. It’s okay for people close to holding different dreams, aspirations, lifestyles. Either accept it or leave the relationship. But do not try and control; that only depicts your insecurities and needs to work on your selfhood.

So How Do You Get What You Want?

That's simple. Just get it. Without complications, fear of judgment, or dreadful ramifications. The only caveat is that you cannot harm, hinder, or stop someone else from 'getting what they want.' So long as your desires do not control the urge of another individual, you do not need to feel guilty.

Let me use myself as an example. I love my husband dearly. I also love traveling and learning more about my inner self regarding an undiscovered world. 2021 was a distraught year with my medical concerns. I wanted to go away somewhere for the longest time. Even 2020 was challenging. Istanbul was a destination trip for us about seven years ago. Alas, we had to cancel our trip due to a military coup and bombing in Istanbul. I dreamt for a long time that I would go back with my dear husband one day, and we would experience the time of our life enjoying each other's company, access to halal food everywhere, and the pleasure of being in a vastly Muslim populated country with tons of Mosques. It was a dream I had longed for almost seven years.

Years passed by, and it didn't happen for one reason or another. Finally, when I determined to take care of my health once and for all and take a trip somewhere, I let go of my dream to go with my husband. I am sure he would want to go. Though he holds other priorities, so he visited his family in Chicago. I was happy for him. And while I so desired my husband could be by my side during my procedures and surgeries in an unfamiliar country and doctor, I never once asked him to reconsider and go with me. At this point, he probably doesn't even know the thought crossed my mind. Why? Because I wanted to experience Istanbul more than he did, It was time for me to get what I wanted, and I did not want to wait for it anymore. Seven years was a considerable amount. At this point, I acknowledged that our priorities were utterly distinct. So I decided to go on my own.

I can tell you with 100% assurance; it was the trip of a lifetime for me. Every second of every minute of every day and week was angelic. I am so happy I went for what I wanted without stopping my husband from what he wanted. I am confident he feels the same way too.

You see, you can't have everything in life, while you can most definitely get what you want in life. That's what we did, and it was beautiful. I do not regret a moment. I did not feel insufficient; I went without him. Heck, I was encountering so much fun that I missed no one. I knew my family was in good hands, and me going back home after my surgeries would be better for all.

I came home and feel, sexy and the happiest woman alive. My daughter's words were, 'happiness suits you.' I will never give up on things I want ever again. I am very spiritual, expressive, and I know what I want and what I don't want. This clarity is a beautiful sensation.

So get what you want; don't stop others from getting what they want. Be realistic and be genuinely concerned for the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of those you love.

Another small example:

If someone cuts you off on the road, let them. They get what they want, go somewhere faster, and you still get what you want; to safely arrive at your destination. Let it go, man. Just relax.

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.
— Bill Cosby


I thought it was Turkey that woke me up with even more selfhood and self-love, yet in actuality, it was my inner soul. The moment I decided I would go away and get what I wanted was when I declared my wholesome being and everything beautiful about it. Break the generational constraints of falsified ignominious control by others, and get your wants Happily! Prioritize your most critical interpersonal desires and watch the world lay out a red carpet for you, with energy vibrations screaming; GET IT, BABY. I Got Mine, and I will forever continue to do so at my own will, irrelevant to any judgment or care in the world. I must seek what my soul needs, for no one else holds that capability, and I am unwilling to give that capability to anyone else. It is my right to attain my happiness.

Knowing What I Want & Getting It,