From No Where
To ‘KNOW’ Where
“Once you know who you are, you don’t have to worry anymore.”
Do you know who you are; like really know? Do you know what you want in life? Do you ever feel like you are not quite sure what you are looking for, though your heart keeps conveying you will know when you feel it? Do you sense detachment from people and places at times? It is almost as if outsiders see you possessing an immaculate life, while within you are mislaid and stretching to make sense of it all? Do you space out, feel like a failure, withdraw or reach boredom quickly?
You are currently experiencing the 'NO WHERE' phase if you are undergoing such matters. It's okay; it is not necessarily worrisome unless you resided in 'No where' continuously for as long as you can remember. And if that's the case, I urge you to contact a confidant or a professional to seek guidance immediately.
However, it is okay for those who dive in and out of such phases. This means you anticipate growth while you are not quite sure in which direction. When the same old is no longer of interest, when the same people or environment cannot recharge your dead battery or nourish your soul, you are outgrowing them. This does not quite signify an unhealthy relationship or atmosphere, though you are prolonging your overachiever attributes; ergo, it's essential to recognize that you are currently in the 'nowhere' stage of your life. I've been there several times and can advise you with experience, it is exceptionally dissatisfying, depressive, and virtually in a state of 'lost in your mind,' going in circles straining to uncover a resolution. Yet fear not; it is indicating signs of inner growth. Listen to your inner voice and cease being hesitant or giving yourself unrealistic cues to continue on the identical path to nowhere.
If you wake up daily dreading proceeding to work, again you are going 'no where,' you surpassed this phase of your life, despite you continue to stay. So the days become monotonous, frenzied, nuisance, and long af. It's time for you to move on and explore a place where you will be more suited. Don't sell yourself short. Believe in yourself that you possess more to offer. It is not that you are 'nowhere,' but more that you are creating the 'nowhere' by 'NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.''
Know Who You Are; Know Where You are
So how do you get to ‘Know Where?’ Simple. By knowing who you are. First and foremost, you must release all the noise in your head. All the painful repetitious comments relay to you justifications that you are not good enough to hold fears or are not capable. It would be best if you eradicated all the negativity. You cannot notice who you are because your mind is so colonized with a negative web in your mind.
Once your head is quiet and precise, begin to learn how to stay in the quiet space. It's not a simple task; ergo, you will need to practice this exercise several times a day before it becomes an innate power. Once you achieve the ability to endure the quiet thought, begin to peek for that inner whisper, the inner spokesperson that has been there the whole time, but you were too occupied and focused on the irrelevant clangorous noise previously. Hear distinctively what your soul is conveying to you. The more you tune in, the more particular your life focus is. Then you will begin changing your ways, thoughts, actions, and yes, even your feelings, especially your beliefs. Now that you are more robust, you must keep this persistent practice. Always listen more attentively to positive vibes. Motivational speakers, music, inspirational blogs (see what I did there;.) They are all around you.
Use these mechanisms to assist you in staying on the course to finding who you are. Once you attain this status quo, you can now feel less anxiety, more clarity, and overall a more enjoyable quality of life. So let us go over the steps again:
Alleviate the noise/negativity.
Practice remaining in the quiet space/mindset.
Schedule a specific time daily to practice clearing your head.
Acclimate how to pause in this phase as naturally as possible.
Begin trying to hear and attend to the inner voice.
Tune in several times a day to the inner voice. Talkback to it. Narrate that you understand it.
Rehearse your new thoughts into action as a daily ritual.
Use all and anything positive to hold you affirmative on your new you. Friends, music, motivational speakers, self-help books, blogs, good food, exercise, meditation, or prayer; whichever one resonates with you best, use that method.
Once you even sense a hint of who you are, the rest will initiate to untwine on its own. You will notice you grew into whom you were meant to be, and you are still growing. Growth is very complicated, and development isn't alone; it's connected with inner strength, passion, and purpose. You cannot find your passion or purpose without strength; You cannot gain strength without prevailing through challenging times of uncertainty. So not knowing who you are once in a while is a good thing; it means you are ready for the next step and one step closer to 'Know Where.' Congratulations. I can't wait to hear about whom you found inside.
Knowing Who I Am,