Your VALUE doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.
— -Anonymous

Why is this concept one of the greatest struggles of all time? By the way, that was utterly rhetorical. Value evaluation is a worldly perplexity due to cultural environment, social acceptance, toxic discouragement, childhood trauma, the tragic loss of parent or child, accredited education, career advancement status, and a dated list continues. If you want to fill a bucket of your inadequacies, I am sure you can. However, is that the avenue you choose or in your best interest?

What is your exact value? Who determines that? Most answer, ‘Well, myself, of course.’ However, that is hardly and quite far from the truth. We cannot condemn modern society and social media, regardless of their persisted implications that the number of likes and followers determines your value; that is absurd.

YOUR VALUE DOES NOT CHANGE regardless if you have MORE or LESS, (more or less of anything for that matter.)


Alas' value' isn't questioned only when it comes to people. Unfortunately, even with material elements such as vehicles, homes, vacation spots, diamonds, and more. Rates are predetermined based on supply and demand, location, branding, consistency, projected advertisements, and much more.

If one can alter the value of almost any entity in this world, how are the vulnerable beings supposed to eject themselves from such environmental influences? There lies a considerable amount of pressure around all of us.

Ergo I consider it due diligence and an honor to speak bluntly on such concerns. No matter the world's implications or the people in your vicinity, your actual value is already ordained within you.

What do you suppose it denotes when you dissect the terminology, 'Be Yourself.' For all the infinite interpretations, the predominant one is to be genuine, be authentic. Or, in other words, not put on a facade or live the 'as if' life. Because ultimately, it will drain you to impress others or yourself constantly.

Though if you for a moment sit quietly, close your eyes, and think about who you are and what your worth is to yourself, extrinsic to the strong opinions of others, you will better comprehend the infinite value you carry.

Value cannot be altered, regardless of how you are treated by a friend, partner, family, colleague, or even a foe. This is a complex concept to swallow. So many begin to interrogate self-worth and value established on the external validation of others. This type of self-sabotage is precisely what it reads: sabotage. A detrimental thought in your mind will persist in growing exponentially and making it ever so difficult to evade and realize that you were precious all this time. Had you only believed in it yourself?

Alas, life is full of lessons and oversights we must learn from, so don't beat yourself over it. Better now than never. Now that you retain this information on hand, keep it a daily reminder that 'You are worth it.' You are valued. You do not need approval from anyone. What you do and what you determine is solely your decision. So be gentle with yourself. Forgive yourself and start again. I believe in you. I know you will see a distinguishable you when you wake up tomorrow morning. And found self-love. Kudos!

Fuck MORE or less, you are enough!

The notion that more or less of any substance, status, or security gives 'value' sickly scrutinizes the term itself. Your value is reputable regardless of digits in your bank account, the title of your career, the copious materialistic belongings, or the number of friends you possess.

On my recent trip to Turkey, I was primarily by myself. The more time I spent with myself, the more I bonded with my inner self. I was in a country where I packed three sweaters, three pants, little makeup, and almost no jewelry. I disconnected from all my friends across the globe. Yet I would catch myself smiling and laughing with a different energy source (topic for next blog.) I was mainly with my natural self, yet I felt more wholesome than ever before. I felt beautiful, momentous, connected, joyous, though most of all, I felt valued. And all credit goes to me. Yes, I met remarkable people around me I love so much. Though it was the energy and respect I provided myself and others that created the dynamic of happiness. You must be in a good place in your mind to apprehend your value until you are healthy enough to realize that your value is perpetually unaffected. It would be best to sacrifice relationships that diminish your confidence in your value. It would help if you built your mental awareness that zero can alter your value.

No one said it was going to be easy. Heck, I work on it daily. For the most part, I comprehend my worth. I am worth it. Big Time. For all that life threw at me and how I prevailed. I am proud of myself. I recognize that I hold the inner strength to keep going through the shittiest storms. I love all my physical attributes—even the minor daily changing ones. I learned to forgive and let go of those that hindered the confidence of my value. However, currently, I possess a few people in my life that push me to question my value or whether or not I appreciate my worth. Sometimes I debate if the aftermath is me questioning the value or their lack of appreciation for it. I want to think it's the latter because, honestly, I value my being. And when I am alone, I find I am so cheerful. I need nothing or no one to make me feel good. Because people come and go at the end of the day, things come and go, environmental changes are constant, and you are also ever-evolving. So study yourself understand yourself to learn more about your value.

Being arrogant or cocky does not imply you hold value. It just shows you are a confident asshole. Those that carry actual value are of the kindest souls walking around. They respect themselves without disrespecting others. So ask yourself, have you been kind and respectful to others? When you look in the mirror, do you value yourself? Or do you feel guilt and shame for things below your value? What are you going to do about them?

I try to analyze and understand my behavior at a conscious level at all given times. I believe that I value myself because I invest in my mental, physical, and emotional well-being not to hinder my perception of my worth.

No amount of money, homes, clothes, bags, materials will make you more worthy. No amount of social media or IRL people will increase your value. That is sad. Very very sad. I do not hold my worth based on social media platforms. I was born before such a ludicrous methodology of fame, and I will never surrender to such foolish means of my worth. While all of it displays your ambition and hard work, your education and career path don't necessarily convert it to value. The two are distinguished characteristics.

Example: Can you appreciate your waiter, sanitation collector, coffee barista just as equally as your lawyer, mentor, colleague? If you cannot, please stop denying your arrogance and pride; there is zero-tolerance for that in the most accurate form of the term 'VALUE.' Value comes from the existence of being. 

How much does it hurt when a close one passes away? Why? Is it because you valued their job, social media posts, appearance, or financial status? I would hope not. No! It's because you respected them as being. Someone you shared precious moments with—someone you loved without conditions. So more or less is entirely nonessential when it comes to your value. The quicker you absorb this, the happier you will be.

I consider myself extremely valuable, an influencer, a passionate being that passes on the essence of actual value in this world. My worth is in what I feel and what I do. Though no one is perfect, ergo, I am constantly working on making sure my shield is up, protecting my hard-earned value.

You Are Value,