No matter what happens in life, be nice to people. Being nice to people is a peaceful way to live, and a beautiful legacy to leave behind.
— Marcandangel

We get it; with all the hate going around, it has become harder to 'BE NICE.' It's almost too easy to hate on people now, a small gesture you didn't like, and there you go; new hate generated over minor aspects. There are now many ranks of hatred and versions. Hatred by race, religion, politics, or even a difference in morals, values, and ethics. What happened to respecting people's differences and growing from them?

The pandemic, in addition to social media, especially TikTok, reformed a new generation notorious for being lazy, scrolling on their phones, and hating others for their stories. It doesn't matter if the stories are innovative, hilarious, or ridiculous ..the hate is growing stronger. It has gotten to the point where they will like your story even though they secretly hate you but do not dare to be authentic. Or they will hate you because you are consistent, and they don't have it in themselves to do what you do. Haters living vicariously through your social media is a creepy thing nowadays.

Or they talk about you behind your back, and when they see you, they smile at you. Alas, hating takes almost no effort. Though if you dig deeper, you will note that the energy hate provides is draining on you and those in your vicinity. Negativity and hatred are a lot stronger than positivity and being nice.

Although being nice takes more effort, it is important to be nice to everyone. If you have to choose between being nice or right, be nice. Then you will always be right.


  • Breathe before you react and ask the person being rude; is everything okay?

  • Do not be quick to judge, give others the benefit of doubt.

  • Be the first to say ‘hello.’

  • It’s okay to say sorry even if you know you were not wrong.

  • Show compassion regardless of their attitude. Don’t be a mirror reflection of them. Choose To Be NICE.

  • Take out extra time to help when they are in need.

  • Practice listening more than talking.

  • Keep your voice in a calm state.

  • Start your sentences with ‘Can’, ‘Could’, ‘Would’, ‘Is it okay’, ‘I was wondering if’ or ‘Please’, do not start your sentences with ‘I’ or verbs. Do not command or demand others. It’s not nice.

  • Do not dismay or be dismissive.

  • Acknowledge the other party.

  • Buy them a card, or a small gift.

  • Make them laugh, bring humor into the mix.

  • Just be thoughtful. Be nice.

What haters don't realize is that when they are speaking wrong about someone, when they badmouth or call others names, they are the ones that look bad. Not the person they are talking about. Don't be a hater.! If you genuinely love yourself, then learn to respect yourself first by not letting your mind be distracted by those who have not earned the time to be in your headspace.

Walk away calmly from a negative individual. Don't beg or plead for anyone's time. If you are not worth their effort, clearly they are not being nice. It's okay! You continue to be friendly, even to people you consider losers. The only way to deal with not-nice people is compassion and to continue to be nice. Not for them, but that's because that's who you are!

No one said being nice is easy. But being nice will give you a better life to look back to. So BE NICE.

Practicing Being NICE Daily,



Hello, World!