Words, Words, Words


Words, Words, Words

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can use this force constructively with words of encouragement or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.
— Yehuda Berg

Your words create your world. What kind of world do you wish? I am presuming you desire a peaceful yet fun-loving life to reflect on. Well, guess what, you are the writer of your story and represent an integral role in the story of others. The story you choose starts with you. Your words generate an image of your persona. Words you prefer to speak to others formulate a relationship dynamic with others. If you wish for a peaceful, fun-loving world, well guess what; yea, that’s right, it starts from you now.

Words can hurt you. The larger world frames how people think about you, and it can hurt you in lots of little, subtle ways.


Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit--- YOU choose. Words will build or crumble your world and the people in it. Ironically, language barriers are far less vexatious and the least probable cause of common misunderstandings. The most significant language complication is once again the words we choose to say. If only you knew that the sharp and hurtful words you utter weigh heavily and are thus a tremendous effort to lift and forget.

Insensitive words pierce the hearts of many and cannot stitch effortlessly. A few bad words generate a domino effect, and the situation gets out of control. That is why it is imperative to think before you speak or choose your words wisely.

A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.
— Benjamin Franklin

Just as a positive affirmation can secure you to feel good, it makes others feel good too. Affirmations are the key to success in any relationship, be it an intimate partner or a colleague. Even when shit hits the fan, keep your words clean, respectful, and positive. I promise you it will tame both the situation and your frustrations. Becoming heated is futile, as the sole purpose in any given relationship is to achieve a mutual understanding and respect for one another, which is only possible through clear, explicit communication or calm words, words, words.

Our looks will fade, bodies will change, and left with us is our memories, grace, and the words we reflect. If we start using fruitful words now when we mature, wisdom came sooner. If we choose words that are not nice, we will constantly be hurting the feelings of others, intentionally or unintentionally. You will waste minutes, days, weeks, months, or even years over words that were not nurturing or uplifting.

I rarely understand why people put others down or scrutinize. These days it seems like everyone believes their wisdom is most incredible amongst all, or they must be right; they beget it their way or self -fulfillment. Verbal communication is by far the most crucial element and a feature every being should learn and practice. I vote for it to be a mandatory course in elementary, middle, high school, college, and even workspace.

What gives the power to use passive-aggressive words; the answer is insecurity. Insecurity and depression will generally first pop up derogatory verbiage and continuously choose a diabolic dialect when communicating to others; this presents the person in the wrong to feel powerful, but in essence, they are anything but strong. They are amongst the weakest of all. To use power and control through mean words is the lowest form of disrespect to oneself.



For a long time, I was hurt by the degrading words called upon me. The world is filled with sad people who are in denial, actually they will never admit it because they feel it is so shameful. If only they knew they look more ashamed displaying their constant weakness. Even worse, for some it is purely a mental imbalance they are not cognizant of and should seek the help of a highly skilled professional. Once again, they must mature passed the denial phase in order to achieve this support for a positive change.

There was many times throughout my years I was called baby degrading words. It deeply hurt me for a long time. Today I want to laugh hard, and actually, I feel pretty sorry for these people who patronize so low to try and hurt a confident woman and bring her down to their level. I no longer permit such words to define me, my image and my accomplishments.

I use my own words of affirmation to counteract all the intentional damage. The only way to win is not to react. That's what the weak desire; for you to respond. They designate names and torment you with harmful words to put you down because, sadly, they are not in a good place themselves.

You cannot fix them; it is not your job. Even your positive words will not heal these souls who use harsh words. Because they are not equipped to hear your wisdom and can only change on their own when they decide to use their own words of affirmation to heal themselves first, then gradually practice this technique on others in their social circles. This positive change is not an overnight fix; it can take years. Please do not underestimate the level of effort and time it will take to change. It is a dedicated commitment to change as an adult. You have been one way for too long. Now you must apply all your willpower and plant your seed and observe a more positive being come alive.

I recognize now years later that it was never my battle. I am vulnerable because I was secure about my state of being and in touch with my feelings and why I feel the way I do. I take a risk to speak with my genuine emotions. Thus I am proud of myself. I stay true to who I am and speak without hesitation of being judged. If judged regardless, that is not on me.


Today I still stand up for myself. And I don't use words to hurt someone intentionally. If I must do that, then I hold far greater issues.

Listen to people, be polite, friendly and show some empathy. There are infinite choices of words out there in the space we share. You possess more than an ample amount to choose your words wisely. So please,

Choose Your Words,