Inspirational Twist


Put Your Heart In It

They have a word in Finnish called sisu, which basically means guts. It’s the strongest word in the Finnish language. You tell a Finn he doesn’t have sisu, that’s like spitting in his face.
— Arthur Lydiard

Do you ever wonder how fascinating people make it big? I perpetually did ponder on how they enhanced into such an inspiration. My curiosity received an answer coincidentally while on a flight from Paris to Barcelona.

It was 2017; I sat on my seat and chose to entertain myself with the flight's standard magazine. Here I thought I would knowledge myself with Barcelona's leading attractions and highly recommended activities (which I did, though I will save that for my Barcelona Trip Blog….aaaaah seriously one of my best trips ever.)

Back to my original point, as I flipped a page, my eye intercepted an article regarding a famous Barcelona fashion designer. Alas, I can't recall the name, however, worry not, as that is almost irrelevant to this blog.

The magazine interviewed the designer regarding her contemporary popular trend hitting the streets of Barcelona. At the time, they were white crop pants with lace sutured at the trim. They were flirty and incredibly stylish.

The interviewee asked the designer, "So where do you get the inspiration for your marvelous designs?"

I was utterly blown away by the designer's acknowledgment for more reasons than one. The designer filled her response with one-hundred percent integrity. Consequently, she captivated my respect immediately, as that is something that draws me intensely. Also, it was a response I previously repeated to myself throughout the years. I am not one to boast, although I do feel I deserve bragging rights here hehe; p Last but not least, reading her response provided me the guts to continue filling my dreams. It's probably the most remarkable advice I've read in my life.

The designer responded,

“To be honest, I must not credit myself as I only acted upon it. The inspiration for this trend as well as multiple of my trends actually came from a commoner. Someone no body knows. If you compete with another designer, everyone would know. So I capture my ideas from average people walking around the streets and I just add my personal twist to it.”
— Barcelona Fashion Designer

GENIUS, I TELL YOU. It blew my mind. The designer was candid. I love this. The truth always sets you free without guilt. There endure countless times before social media existence where I see all my friends, acquaintances, foes, and even strangers mimic my style, ideas, and belongings, and I used to get disconcerted that they imitate yet never credit me.

Not any more. I do not require the credit. I consider myself a women whisperer. I am a trendsetter, and I do not want anyone else to validate it. Now especially more than ever, I see so many posts on social media that mimic my outfit, caption, blog perspective, and much more. Their following is more eminent than mine; ergo, none of their followers would even recognize Aneela K. inspired them. Still, that's okay because I know. And the most humble and honest people will share it with you or tell you they love it and yearn to do the same. It is the ones who do not hold enough confidence to share that they acquired something from you.

Be above this, be honest. Just like that famous designer publicly acknowledged her inspiration and gained so much more respect, you can too. It feels grand, to be frank and guilt-free and then go on living your passion.


Add Your Twist

There are infinite opportunities to make it big. But there are two chief ones. Develop an innovative idea, one no one has conceived previously. When it runs the market, people will be felicitously surprised, and you will succeed. Or the latter and the more common strategy is to possess the guts to implement your twist on something that previously exists and is doing well. No reason to reinvent the wheel when it's in public demand. It is not stealing an idea; it lifts and inspires and adds your unique touch to the widespread desire. As long as you provide credit where it's rightfully due, you are guilt-free.

It would be best if you remembered, numerous ideas are exceptional, but it's your delivery and the market you fancy that will get you both success and happiness. If you follow someone else ways and don't alter it, you will not be happy because you necessitate your special touch. Without your passion, you will never succeed. Anything you determine to do in this life obligates your energy. Your distinctive style. It can be downright eccentric or with extreme attention to detail. In either case, your presence executes the product, the service, and the company's success.

Let's run through a few examples. When I started as a makeup artist for events, I continuously felt something was missing, and I never felt complete. It wasn't until I started my makeup master class events that I felt incredible with my special touch. My events were far more significant in detail and precision. I took the inspiration and added my superpower twist to it. I would never go backward. It was the most fantastic decision I ever made, and my makeup master clients love me so much, and I love them. We experience a wonderful time together. Videos are all on YouTube as validation of grandeur smiles.

Next was the regular job facials. I invariably suggested that my boss grow the facial experience. I stated that the rooms were not polished, not prepped, and the clients can sense this. I announced we lacked the instrumentation to provide extra attentiveness to clients. And I additionally was firm on not selling more high-priced price items clients did not require. None of these applications prevailed by management and instead were declined relentlessly.

Ergo one day, I placed my hand on my heart and said, this is not how to treat clients who come into your space with trust. It went abreast my morale and was depleting my passion. So what did I do? Once again, I did it on my own. Yes, I did. And again, it was the best thing I ever did. Mashallah, I now possess a rocking business with vast clientele who are taken care of to every detail. The room is impeccably precise, I invested in all the proper machines, and most importantly, I never mislead. Integrity will forever lead to success. My twist to this ideology was to be noble and treat these clients like actual people with real lives. Voila! Best decision ever.

I recently was on a call with a famous Instagrammer. She began a new recipe trend based on another Instagrammer. She informed me she feels guilty because they are not her recipes. I advised her of the identical notion. I asked, "the recipes this person makes, does she deliver it the way you do?" And the girl replied, "not at all, its so boring." I told her not to worry. By putting her twist on it, she is gaining an entirely different market. If the other woman confronts her, she should be frank and say, yes, I love your recipes, and I display them with a different angle for a younger crowd. Giving credit where it is due is invariably the wise thing to do. This way, you are guilt-free, and you can proceed to grow your business, your fashion, your styles, your desires as you wish.

How many interior designers, bakers, event coordinators, investors, real estate agents, travel agents, contractors, artists, musicians, graphic designers, service providers and an infinite variety of trades out there? What affects one to stand out more than the other? Passion, delivery, consistency, grit, and inner peace. That inner freedom will induce a naturally hidden creativity, and all this time, you thought it was hard to find your passion when in actuality, it wasn't rocket science; it was just You!

Your Inspirational Twist,

