

The time comes in the life of any nation when there remains only two choices - submit or fight.
— Nelson Mandela

There are two fundamental choices in life: accepting conditions as they exist or accepting the responsibility for changing them, as stated by Denis Waitley.

The pandemic world went and is undergoing a rigorous challenge. We as a nation, community, the people, and ourselves ultimately hold two choices. Either we mislay ourselves in all strength variations, succumbing to the power of pain and pandæmonium, allowing the demon to control our surroundings and actions towards ourselves and those we encircle. Or growing ourselves in all strength variations, persevering ambitions, and surpassing all potential we knew existed.

For some, this 'pandemic' was a downright curse. It was a blessing in disguise for others. I prefer not to call the pandemic a blessing - it is merely factual for several people who sought out more through challenging times.

Which one were you? Think before you answer. It's possible you began with 'paindemonic' and later apprehended along the rough ride; it is time to change your surrounding and start a whole new, 'plandynamic'- positive growth change in dynamic with a thought out committed plan.

There are ultimately two choices in life: to fight it or to embrace it. If you fight it you will lose - if you embrace it you become one with it and you’ll be lived.
— Rasheed Ogunlaru



Indeed there came unavoidable pain that left us grieving—the hefty loss of loved ones. Many died from Covid and unexpected illnesses like heart attack, kidney failure, suicide, and numerous stress-related medical concerns. Even I underwent a few conditions, and after countless doctor visits, no one could confirm the diagnosis. Similarly, several people endured various kinds of pain, physical, emotional, mental, or even worse, all of them together.

The lockdown affected people worldwide, inducing feelings of stress, sadness, and redundancy trauma as they succumb to a new normal. Saying it is simple, although this is virtually impossible for your 'creature of habit.' Compromising constantly and not attaining a self-escape provoked turmoil and heavy-weighted hearts of countless relationships. Naturally, this affected children, families, and friends involved.

All who sought answers were running in untamed progress with their head in the palm of their hands. The greatest sufferers were praying for a new destiny line written on their palms.

Some dropped their income and underwent a substantial financial decline acclimating to their unforeseen economic stress. These tragic losses cannot be easy, especially when you are scarcely making it day by day.

What about homes and families struck by the significant shift in climates and natural disasters such as fires, storms, and even war. Can we even fathom their immeasurable pain?

Truthfully, stressful shit came down to the pettiest of pains that felt mountainous during stressful times. Friends and family betrayed, left, insulted, and ghosted you. People whom you trusted became unreliable. The newest trend wore the new 'Me, Myself & I' drip. Toxicity increased immensely, lurking around practically all families worldwide.

Isolation, continuous house and work responsibilities, children feeling neglected, anxious, and overwhelmed. All priorities shifted to trivial matters, causing unnecessary drama based on insecurities and much more. All these affairs were and are painful. Some predicaments were possible to bypass, and others we simply couldn't.

When we fall into the pit of pain, our demon transcends deep into us, regularly confirming things cannot change and life is shitty. We grieve, grow sad, mad, irritated, and all emotions not suitable or, more bluntly: evil!

I understand it is troublesome to think straight with any pain, but we must try; otherwise, the evil circle of 'paindemonic' will begin, and we will lose much more than the initial point of pain.



Undeniably blessings we exercised for granted were now intensely gratifying. The pandemic affected everyone, except those built on positivity, strength, confidence, ambition, faith, and grit. These beings would never stand to attest as victims of the pandemic. They carried this unprecedented disaster and aimed it into an opportunity for success.

Whether that involved attaining an education to advance your skills and career, becoming an entrepreneur and strengthening your growth game, buying your very first home, finding your soulmate, and getting married, a new baby, the point is that your strong passion led you there. It didn't just happen. You stayed strong-willed and made sure you did not take the fall. You paused, sat down, and with clarity made a thought-out plan for a new dynamic. A change of environment for the better. One with less stress and more ease. You bestowed yourself value, and you generated more value from it.

You moved away from paradoxes and toxicity. You focused on yourself and those most important in your life. Daily you took one step and then another, visioning the light at the end of the tunnel. Your patience and perseverance resulted in unattainable success that now elevated your mind that nothing is limited for you.

You are today where you did not see yourself pre-pandemic. As the world is reaching a new normal, you are piercing it as an even stronger individual than before. And you are better for it. For now, you identify that no world disaster can tame your passion. You know where you stand, and not only will you stand tall, you will accomplish your planned goals and create an extraordinary dynamic—one where you acclimate to continue flourishing and declaring all your passions into fruition.

I never said it was easy, yet you deserve to look back and say, 'wow I did that. I am so proud of myself.' And you damn well should be because this Pandemic, PainDemonic, PlainDynamic was HARD AF.

Perspectively Yours,