Mind Over Matter
Or Matter Over Mind
“Those who MIND DON’T MATTER, and those who MATTER DON’T MIND
- Anonymous Philosopher (1855)
- Mark Young (1946)
- Bernard Baruch (1947)
- Dr. Seuss (Died 1991 - circulated in books 2001)”
Dr. Seuss was eventually attributed with this quote because there exist credible evidence he may have added, “Be who you are and say what you feel because…”. Either way, look at how very few people are cognizant of the real attributer? He is an unknown philosopher. This uncertainty brings me to my point; you don’t need to read a three hundred page book to understand philosophy. Heck, you only need a few powerful lines or maybe even a blog (see what I did there) to internalize what you hold power to believe and do.
So why Dr. Seuss?
Well, it’s not just Dr. Seuss; it’s all children’s books. Children possess a thirst for learning and practicing what is taught. They are inspired and internalize the concept quickly. Children hold big dreams with little fears. They don’t sweat the small stuff or worry about getting sick, buying expensive items, fashion, or their work. Instead, they live and enjoy life to their best capability. Why do children enjoy life? Because they are not versing themselves. They are not creating fears, or more specifically, they are not making ‘matter.’ They are naturally born with ‘Mind over Matter’ ideology. There is no ‘You verse You’ for them.
So what happens when we become adults? How do all these worries/fear develop? Why do we need to read long books to internalize a theory we already knew when we were younger.
I called a friend the other day and asked her how she was coping with difficulty. She responded that she was reading some books. I informed her about a children’s book, and she was surprised. We don’t require so much to understand; what we already knew just went dormant and needs to be shifted back. We need to understand the main point without the extra fluff. To the end, short and concise, even today, I will read DR, Seuss, or watch a children’s episode to travel back to the innocence of life. Feeling like a kid at heart truly does save the day. I urge you to attempt it. It will help you stop overthinking so much.
This ‘BLOG’ splits into two critical perspectives. One about ‘You vs. You’ and ‘You vs. Others.”
Part I
You vs You
Photo Credit: Rajesh Dembla - Founder of camera crew
When one thinks and continues to think, one falls into a thought ocean. Each decision, path, the advice seems daunting. We ultimately put our bodies at the sake of the universe and permit it to decide our destiny. For those that are enlightened, this feels quite oppressive. When and how did we become this way? How some learned through experiences, and others proceed to live daily complaining about all life's happenings? What is the root cause? How far back does this go? One can say the beginning of time. Or can argue; the resistance always existed but was ignored due to the danger it would cause to capitalism. I honestly believe most 'matter' we worry about is because we are under the influence.
The world is brainwashed, the world as a whole. Some brainwashed to brainwash others and don't even know they are pegs of the game.
Do you wish to be a peg? Or do you welcome the controversy and pull your weight to achieve and withdraw the magic from within you.
Let's look at a few examples. When you scroll through social media, how many sponsored drug ads do you come across? How many illnesses are people discussing? Advertisements created using common ailments to get your attention. How many sales pitches do you see? Let me help you out here; it's pretty close to about, let say, 99.9%! That's right. And it's been this way for eons, but now its more apparent, one can say, in your face.
You vs. You - AILMENTS:
A few years ago, I had seen a doctor for particular pains I was experiencing in my stomach. She did all the bloodwork, medicals tests, including ultrasounds. And came back with, I am sending you for more testing. I happen to visit a friend who's dad is a doctor. He checked me and told me in 5 minutes what I had. I walked back into the doctor's office, saying I know what I have. And her immediate response was, "You have ____." I said, "if you knew this, why did you run all those tests on me?" I'm sorry, but I lost faith in many doctors. I had another doctor before her for 8 years who prescribed me the wrong medication for years and I finally left her when she told me I would die if I didn’t go get surgery at the ER in minutes. It was my fault for sticking it out with her that long thinking she is the doctor she must know what she is talking about. As every other profession, not all workers are honest. I was in retail; trust me, I know. It's about the sales goals. They often forget that we are people that bleed through similar veins. Ironic being that they are people too.
On the flip-side, we have an excellent family practitioner who does advise us not to take vaccines that are not necessary. As long as you find someone who also believes you are more than a body of science. You are in good hands. Many can argue emotions are not science. Yet emotions have proved phenomenons against the medical history.
I came across a podiatrist who is A+ all around. He treats you as a person, not just your feet. These doctors that are genuine people are your go-to doctors. Your gut reaction will identify when you meet a doctor like this. If you ever necessitate an excellent podiatrist, check out Dr. Chris Kassaris. Highly knowledgeable and outstanding bedside manners. I almost wish my feet experienced more problems ;p
You can find his information below:
Together, the insurance industry, the medical profession, and the drug companies work very hard to instill both the fear of illness and the urgency of putting yourself in their hands. They enforce you to get your checkups so they can find out early if you have some dire disease. Of course, this generates much business for them. Usually, these companies are sold on their products and services and assume they are doing the right thing with a cult-like fervency. So each individual begins to worry and build anxiety about the unknown. They are not giving themselves the chance to perceive that they too can rise above the physical. This process happened to me. I went to the most prestigious doctors, with all my symptoms, my hundreds of blood work results, MRI's, X-rays, CT-Scans, Ultrasounds, and so much more. I saw countless well known Doctors in 18 months within the tri-state area, and none of them figured it what I was experiencing. I was told I needed ten doctors, one for each of my concerns. I was also told I needed to go on Methotrextate or I would die.
In the end, I figured it out myself. I DID. At some point, I practically felt like the doctors were educated by outdated information. With new times and new lifestyle implementations, autoimmune, and food preservatives, times are changing, and so are ailments. A hundred years ago medicine obviously won't continue to work successfully at a 100% today. People still dying young, right? Doctors say, "we did all we can." I’m sure they did, well scientifically that is.
I'm not putting anyone down. Doctors are there to help because that's what they were taught to believe in by science. But who knows you better than yourself? That gut feeling you get in you is not something you should ignore; in fact, it's something you should practice to hone. Trust me, and it will do you good and not break your wallet with medical bills. Now I take care of myself because I am more than just a body. You don't always need medicine; most of the time, they are quick fixes, not long term. You can fix yourself. You have to realize you are more than just a body waiting to die. People that believe in matter over mind get very passionate about their beliefs and thrust them upon you with tremendous passion. Those who believe in matter over mind are incredibly passionate concerning their beliefs and assail them upon you with such passion. You could DIE if you don't do that medical procedure. The medical procedures often increase the agony and stress, which seems to escape their enlightenment. Because doctors and medical personnel are so convinced they are doing the right thing (after all, they spent years in school indoctrinated in the current belief system), the patients are found to be relatively hypnotically accepting orders without exercising control of their fates.
The certainty of their rightness and "knowledge" of the medical personnel design is very difficult to resist.
None of this implies you don't use doctors when you have a health crisis. They are here to help but no one needs to be drugged forever.
Stocks, Estates, Vacation Homes, Gucci, Chanel, Prada, BCBG, what’s the end game here?. What is all this? Just another way to, one makes you spend money either you have or don't have. Secondly, it is one of the highest reasons for depression and bullying. If your finances can't afford the popular cars, home, wardrobe, so many feel shunned or worthless. In what world should this be okay? What mentality triggered you are empowered by what you can afford? I get it; it's fun, it's exciting, and it feels good. But you should equally feel good in your pajamas or old sneakers. You are not broke if you are putting food on the table. Don't dress to impress. That's the same as saying, 'stress to impress.' Every other IG post is sponsored by a new clothing line or business module. What happened to loving people for who they are? Do you think in this pandemic, people who lost family members would care about what they should drive or wear if they had one more chance to see them. I mean, for the love of God, what happened to severe priorities. This world is speeding towards capitalism so fast that we are genuinely blind-sighted and just following along. I could care less about the how much I have or I don’t. Being grateful for my life is something that is embedded within me. Spirituality is like a happy pill in your veins. Feel it and run with it. I care a lot about content. Am I delivering a clear message? Am I inspiring someone for something, right? Am I deterring someone from something wrong? That is what matters. People, please remember your purpose. What are we doing here if we are not here to help one another? Why the envy, the petty nonsense, the depression, the struggle? STOP IT! It's all in your head. It's 'You vs. You.'
You vs. You - CAREER
Stop sulking over your job that you do not like or feeling mistreated. Seriously can I be any clearer; STOP IT! If you are not feeling great about it, either change your job, find another one, or stop complaining. Something isn't going right. Have you looked into yourself? Is there something you can change about yourself? Have you tried very hard to do so? Growing and learning, and challenging yourself will make you healthier and happier. If not, why are you still sitting around and complaining? What makes you think working for one company, and a few people out of 7.5 Billion people in the world, that you are shit out of luck? Get real! It's you. Stay in and fix the situation or, simply put, get out. Thank you. Next!
What do points one, two, and three have in common? YOU! Yes, in each of these scenarios, it is you, plus your thinking, that permits all this to happen. As long as you continue to think you are just a living body, you will continue to encounter similar situations. You will stress and stress, and oh, did I mention, STRESS? You will continue to build fear, not believe in yourself, put yourself at the mercy of others, and always find it strenuous to live daily. I was there, my readers, I know. Now I am not just a body. I am a spirit. Even in the Quran, it says our spirit will go to heaven or hell. Life doesn't end for any of us. How do you wish to live your life in your current vessel? I urge you to stop fighting with yourself but rather connect with yourself. You will feel so light and free.
The key is to realize yourself and your worth. Your value. Who are you, and what are your capabilities? You're here for a reason. Not just to be born, suffer through X amount of problems, age, and die? Where is the fun or purpose in that?
Live people LIVE. Learn daily. Increase both your growth and your self-worth. For a long time, I regretted not using my bachelorette degree. I felt I wasted all my money, school loans, and straight A's studying efforts. But today, I am so happy I am doing what I am. I did not waste my degree. I grew much from it, and it fashioned me into who I am today. I aspired to blog ten years ago. However, I had feared. What were they? Gosh, I don't even know now. Though all I know now is that I am finally blogging, inspiring, teaching, and I love it. I am not asking you for a purchase. I am merely passing on the content I believe will help you feel enlightened and ease your days.
Remember, it's YOU vs. YOU. Do you want to be the 'Kitten' or 'LIONESS.' It always your choice?
photo credit hafiz babar from lahore pakistan
You Are So Much More
You can control your emotions and are, in fact, able to shift them at will, not even in minutes but in seconds. Within our society, we hold copious fixed conceptions about the nature of authenticity. If one is not cognizant that agreements form the system, it can appear as though those notions are solely the way it is. When we are young, we incorporate these ideas. Until we scrutinize them newly in a new time and space, they prowl in our mental footings, ready to deceive us later. These ideas formulate a deceptive situation because we don't comprehend they are there until we ascertain ourselves doing or conceiving things that we consciously know are wrong or stupid under stress.
When we attempt to differ from society, we are told to face reality or are in denial. Anyone who has experienced metaphysical or spiritual revelations discovers himself at differences with many of the ordained concepts that our culture endures dear.
The peculiarity is that we are all suggestible. We loathe acknowledging this. A suggestion carries extra weight due to all the agreement and the respect we give to those who feel are experts and worked hard to learn. The system adds even more power to the suggestions that get neglected.
As long as you stay true to who you are from within, no one else’s suggestions, opinions, expertise will influence you. You live by your desires. Leave the rest to the universe’ it will cooperate.
Part II
You vs. Others
Now we get to the fun part. Oh boy, I know many of us empathize with similar pains. When you experience discomfort from an immediate family member, extended family, a best friend, a significant other, a colleague, or even a stranger, at first, you are disturbed for a moment, then you begin to feel down, but immediately anger conquers sadness. The human mind is too self-conscious to let someone else identify they are unhappy. They can not even recognize it themselves. Some because of their self-image, and others are practically oblivious or habitually fall into this pit.
So how do we get out of this battle with others? Are you ready for the answer? It may be unexpected in itself. What if I told you there is 'no other.' Yes, what if I informed you the shortcoming once again is in yourself that takes on an image of you versing another.
You see everyone walking on earth walks with a pocket full of predicaments you can't see. Some don't share them. Some don't even comprehend they are carrying baggage, and others are just struggling through the facts of life. In one of my previous blogs, I offered you to go ahead and exchange your problems with anyone else just for a day. And no one wanted to do that. Why? Because you lose control of the situation.
Yes, my friends, at the end of the day, it is all about how much control you possess over yourself that will allow you to handle the pain of others' actions and words.
Once I was sitting in a parked car, and the lady beside me opened her drivers' door right into my car and dented my car. As I went out of my car to confront her, she rolled up her window and would not even glance my way. I tapped on her window, saying, "excuse me," but she proceeded to reverse her car and drove away.
I came home absolutely upset about this incident. The reaction could have operated in many different ways. By the agreements impacted by norms, I anticipated that this stranger would be sympathetic when, in fact, she was apathetic.
Today I look back at this incident, and I feel gratified. Why? For one, I would behave differently had I been in her situation, as I am sure many of you would. Secondly, I now understand that she was nervous. Maybe she was driving someone else car. Perhaps she was troubled and couldn't handle more anxieties. Or perhaps she is quite frankly 'a bitch’. It is not my place to correct, teach, or change her. All I needed to do was be grateful that the situation could have been worse. No one got hurt, and I hold many other blessings. Moving on was for my good. Putting any extra energy in a negative bucket is futile. So save yourself from more disappointment and walk away.
This occurrence was just a minute incident. We all experienced some trivial tribulations that took time to assess or heal. Maybe some of us are not restored yet. The longer you grant this other body to hurt your body, you limit your deserved happiness in this world. I wish I realized this earlier. I waited for an apology for almost a decade for a few pretty painful experiences until I recognized that I was only eating my own life away. If an apology didn't come quickly, it most like won't, and it was a lesson learned, and the conflict happened to augment wisdom, become robust, and focus more on our priorities.
Not everyone will love you or even like you; many will misunderstand you. It's okay; you do not need to prove, explain, or justify yourself. Here's where the quote comes in handy, "Those who MIND DON'T MATTER, and those who MATTER DON'T MIND."
This simple statement holds much value for the one who can thoroughly internalize it. Next time you run into trouble with someone else, do the following, first evaluate:
Is it worth your time and effort to prove them wrong or explain yourself?
Is this a repeated incident with the same individual?
Is the individual someone you previously experienced a disconnection?
Does this person have the ability to change your environment?
Will you enable them to take control of your emotions?
There are 7.5 billion people in this world; are you going to permit a few to overthrow your day?
Do you love yourself adequately to start your day over again, any time of the day?
Can you use 'Mind over Matter' to let the matter dissipate so you can focus on your aspirations?
In the concept of 'You vs. Others,' the simple mechanism is to let others do what they do; you build your toleration. Eventually, they become fatigued and leave knowing you are unaffected. Some relationships are such where you cannot cut them off completely (sucks, lol), but you can minimize it if you feel you are not valued. No one else creates your worth; YOU DO! Respect yourself first, before you expect others to respect you. And if you do respect yourself and still don't receive it, those are people not meant to be in your life; there are just negative energy that comes once in a while to make sure you can still sustain your positivity.
“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you, and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, ‘cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
-Will Smith”
So remember, friends, next time you catch yourself while changing your mood or aura, instantly revert to ‘MIND over MATTER.’ The sooner you make ‘MATTER’ into ‘MATTERLESS,’ the sooner YOUR life will become ‘LIMITLESS.’ And if you endure a little trouble, have a children’s book handy, I tell you, it’s the most straightforward child concepts that relieve adult perplexities.
Mindfully Yours,