WOMEN are Wired


to Work, Work, Work!

They say behind every great man there’s a woman. While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me.
— Meryll Frost - most courageous athlete of 1945

The quote 'Behind every great man there's a great woman' is an international saying. It was coined by "they" or "anonymous" and existed long before World War II. 20–30 years later, the slogan 'Behind every great man there's a great woman' was adopted for the 1960/70s feminist movement. Women are change agents - not by raw force and not short-term. Like water, they smooth out the rough edges of rock.

I feel women are natural empaths, ergo men who hit hurdles on the way to success are comforted and supported by the love, strength, and compassion of a woman to soften their man’s predicament, lighten their emotions, and make them feel competent while they are lost.


So what's the story of 'women?' Women are assets to any relationship, whether it be a nurturing mother who taught right from wrong, value, and morale. Or a wife endured and stood by bottomless falls and crashes and yet provided her all and more to pick them back up, a sibling who shed light on perplexing moments of choosing the right path, a colleague who stands by strenuous worked efforts, or even a boss who was robust but encouraged and supported to get your shit together so you can detach and grow on your own.


Other than education, there are multiple vital elements that a girl acquires from birth. She performs multitasking, planning, organizing, handling the house, protecting herself, bestowing love and affection. Girls are socialized to be nurturing, care about others, show emotions, get along and be empathetic. Girls learn that the process is more important than winning and that relationships are key.

No man can ever go through the pain a woman undergoes while giving birth. Yet we deliver again and again because of forgotten fear with compassionate, empathetic love.

According to scientific research, women are more mentally stable than their male counterparts. In business, men cannot surpass the financial model put forth by women. Girls start developing the skills of empathy and interpersonal relationships. We continue to receive these reinforced messages into adulthood and carry these behaviors and beliefs into the workplace. It's no surprise then that men outperform women in the EQ skills of assertiveness and confidence, and women outperform men in the EQ skills of empathy and interpersonal relationships.

And lastly, women do not like to waste time. That means they will not misuse time working either. Time management is the most substantial element that presents us as the prominent productive breed in the light of any achievement.

Women hold higher EQ


new study has found that women outperform men on nearly all emotional intelligence measures.

What are the implications for management?

First, let's look at the data. The research, conducted by the Korn Ferry Hay Group, used data from 55,000 professionals in 90 countries. Their key finding? In 11 of 12 "emotional intelligence competencies," women outperformed men.

The only category in which women didn't receive the better scores was "emotional self-control," where no gender differences were found.

In numerous other categories necessary for management success, however, women did score higher. A few key examples:

Inspirational Leadership: Women scored in the 54th percentile, men in the 47th percentile.

Coaching and Mentoring: Women scored in the 57th percentile, men in the 46th percentile.

Organizational Awareness: Women scored in the 56th percentile, men in the 46th percentile.

Adaptability: Women scored in 54th percentile, men in 48th percentile.

Does this data suggest that, in the aggregate, women are better suited for management than men are? Of course, this is a delicate, emotionally charged question.

When assessing the competency levels of both men and women across the 12 critical areas of emotional and social intelligence, Korn Ferry research found:

  • The most remarkable difference between men and women can be seen in emotional self-awareness, where women are 86% more likely than men to be seen as using the competency consistently (18.4% of women demonstrate the competency consistently compared to just 9.9% of men).

  • Women are 45% more likely than men to be seen as demonstrating empathy consistently.

  • The smallest margin of difference is in a positive outlook. When it comes to this emotional intelligence competency, women are only 9% more likely to exhibit competency than men consistently.

  • Other competencies in which women outperform men are coaching & mentoring, influence, inspirational leadership, conflict management, organizational awareness, adaptability, teamwork, and achievement orientation.

  • Emotional self-control is the only competency in which men and women showed equal performance.

The world sees a woman posing…


What she really is this, and more!


Women are wired to work endlessly and relentlessly. This continuum is both advantageous and dangerous. Our adamant attitude on getting shit done runs as a success in our minds and weighs as complexity on our bodies.

We ought to pause and take in the bigger picture. Creating unnecessary ideals and expectations and then running around to achieve them is not the wisest of paths. It is a tiresome one, in any case.

  • Think about your goals, short-term and long-term.

  • Write them down.

  • Then prioritize them so you can visually see them on paper.

  • It's okay to change priorities respective to how your mind and body feel.

  • Focus on your goals with a total capacity

  • Take out any miscellaneous that is negligible.

  • Do what you can and what you want to.

  • Love what you do or don't do it.

  • Do not force your priorities on others. It's your bed; you make it.

  • STOP when you are exhausted and need rest.

  • Don't allow anyone to tell you you are not good enough.

  • You can do anything your heart willfully desires.

  • Commend yourself.

Let's dig deeper on some of these tips. When you determine your goals, you release the big question mark weighing heavily on your mind. This yields room for greater clarity and more productivity. Which in turn leads to constant fruitful experiences.

Writing your to-do's and your goals also alleviate the mental stress and eradicates that overwhelmed emotion. So often, we feel our cup is full when it not even a quarter full. Small agendas weigh more when not written down. Think of writing it down as a delegation to an imaginary 'second you.' You are, in essence, distributing the load with yourself rather than cramming it onto yourself.

We cannot always predict how our bodies will feel. Depending factors are weather, physical ailments, fatigue, stress, tight schedule, mental and emotional well-being. Accordingly, if you believe you are unequipped to handle a task, you should listen to your body and switch to another written job. It is okay to change your priorities based on your needs. Do not feel guilty. You should feel good you have that sixth sense, and you will do it better when ready.

When you focus on your goals with total capacity, you leave no room for procrastination, lack of desire, feeling of no hope or failure. 

Additionally, be sure to remove the time-consuming small matters that are negligible or delegate them to someone you trust.

At any given time, if you do not love what you do, it will become laborious, strenuous, tedious, monotonous, and you will hold no attachment to it. On the contrary, if you only do what you love or see the bright perspective, you will enjoy the responsibility, plus you will feel immeasurable about its completion.

Be cautious and cognizant in understanding that your desires are yours only. Coercing your children, friends, or significant other to do something you always want will only turn back and fail miserably, or it will get done with stress, resentment, and negative vibes. If you want it that badly, strategize ahead of time and get it done.

And the final and most important tip is to commend, congratulate, and be proud of yourself. Hold no shame in feeling great. You've earned it. So often, especially on social media, we hear and see, 'We are so proud of you," from our friends and family. However, keep in mind that this is a very delicate and fragile situation. Society brainwashed us to work relentlessly and wait for someone to pat our back and say they are proud of us. Essentially we are seeking validation. But wait! Wouldn't it be better to be proud of yourself. YES! Of course, why not? You are the one that did it. You have every right to say, "I am proud of myself." And you darn well should be. You worked for it. And it would be beneficial if society trained/exercised us to say, "You should be so proud of yourself." Rather than, "I am so proud of you." This small change will deliver more security to the accomplished. You will no longer be seeking validation while simultaneously appreciating the compliment. Think about it, and think about it again! Small changes can create significant differences.

Don’t just dream about success, work for it!

Remember, success is subjective, and that is okay; in fact, it's great. Individuals viewing success distinction creates a variety of talents and achievements. You can be successful at being the best Mother, Wife, Boss, Athlete, Business Women, Entrepreneur, CPA, Nutritionist, Nurse, Doctor, Engineer, Attorney, Dentist, Actor, Musician, Yoga Instructor, Teacher, Friend, Daughter, Entrepreneur, Singer, Artist, Dancer, Planner, Graphic Designer, Web Design, Vlogger, Influencer, Financial Analyst, Stylist, and the list goes on. Aim to do what you love and keep working hard. Some days will feel more challenging than others, but I promise you will see your dreams come to fruition at the end of the day.

I worked since I was fourteen with no breaks. I always held myself as a contributor to this world. Ergo I could not be mediocre at any of my goals. I repeatedly was acknowledged as a top achiever in all my careers. And here I am today, self-employed and extremely fortunate with my life. And do you know how many times I said, "I am proud of MYSELF,"? Every darn day. YES, I still do. And you should too! A woman can reach a potential beyond her dreams. Regardless of what your dream is, you hold two choices; You can work hard and make your dreams come true, or you can work hard and make someone else's dreams come true. What's it going to be?

Proud to be a Woman,

