60 Seconds


That’s my CODE to ‘Living’ and ‘Loving.’ Everyone is continuously questioning me, ‘Why do you love so hard? Why do you care so much? Why does that vexatious person matter?’ Well, it’s simple, if I showed you, you had barely sixty seconds to live, or that person you know has sixty seconds left, what would you do more? What would you forgive? What would you regret? Who do you love? And more than it all, have you expressed your love to them in its entirety?

Please catch a look at these pictures; they are all people gone. Many departed us young, many from the pandemic, accidents, and several suffered from losing close family members. Where do you imagine you are going to go? We all will desist. You might as well leave with a heart overflowing with joy, passion, affection, and vivacity.

I've stepped into homes squealing, 'Asalaamu-a-lakam' or 'Hiiiiiii' and was asked why I behave so hyper or artificial. My initial regression was, 'how can someone deny and not receive my pure enthusiasm to be around them?' As time went on, I studied more about individuals not being content with their own lives, striking on and ridiculing others' acts of kindness, or only interfering with others' lives; I recognized these shredded souls are carrying pain grudges within. Ergo they do not know how to sustain or provide pure happiness and love.

Pure compassion doesn't come with favorites. It doesn't mean I'll wake up praying all night for person 'A' and not even call person 'B'; how can you say you are pure when you do not approach people equally. You are not better by your status, career, finance. All these stereotypes are completely irrelevant to your moment of death or loss. See the pictures preceding and recognize we are all going to the identical place—exercise to decompress a bit—lovesome more. You were built to love limitless. You cannot purchase kindness, and neither can it be commanded. The world comprehends only one memory of you. The real you! It is not where a person can love you, and another hates the living shit out of you. Misunderstandings happen, but a string of misunderstandings can only occur with resentment, grudges, and an intent of unwillingness to forgive or to be kind.

I'm not promoting you to rend the boundaries you acquired to be healthy for you. Toxicity is something you should not tolerate under any circumstances. If you are not respected, walk away with a clear conscience and relish the company of those that recognize your value. Again these will be the 100% kind souls without favoritism.

On the contrary, I urge you to develop empathy or practice more compassion to become an innate part of who you are. Most often, it is empathetic that love hard and enjoys life to the fullest. It is the fierce, grudge holder, and resentful people that walk around bitter. And again, if life flashed before their very own eyes, they too would switch. The concern here is time. You don't know how much time you own. Life isn't promised. So you must promise to confront yourself and progress towards a kinder you, a more empathic you, a less favoritism or critical you. Suppose you have nothing nice to say. Don't say anything at all. Damaging someone's feelings is for the weak. Recognizing the acts of a discreet bully will support you to let their comments bounce off. If you know yourself adequately, then the pain one tried to cause you, you are better for it.

2020 was fucked up in numerous ways. However, it also strengthened each one of us to become more challenging and wiser. Now is your chance to live a life with more kindness, happiness, forgiveness—less hate and ridicule. You may not agree with something, and no one says you ought to. However, you can oppose unobtrusively and peacefully. Any conversation can be calm; when we are not empathic, we lose control and make room for ego. Accountability is an admirable quality one should not compromise. Being able to state you were faulty or not correct, or if you went back in time, you would take a different approach is a more welcomed way to make the other person feel lighter and less grief in their hearts.

Also, keep in mind, if it was one or two acts, the person might forgive you. Although if you continued to behave the same unfair and harsh way for years, this person is not shallow; they realize the energy you are giving off. If they wish to steer clear of your energy for their own joy, let them go.

You, as an individual, must discover that every person is capable of executing mistakes. Every person will depart this world. Some sooner than expected. Are you willing to let go and connect? Maybe you can start by letting go of the small stuff. Send a 'hello' message to the one you had a misunderstanding with previously. Sending an 'I miss you' to an old-time friend you lost touch with or may even had ghosted you.

And remember being kinder and wiser means you still recognize where they will never welcome you. Please do not put all your energy to where it will come back and consume you. You will always grow more robust, and the people who see this will automatically attract you, and you can live a life where you are valued for who you are because now you see kindness is not an exchange, but rather a lifestyle.


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Reminisce about someone you know, do you love them? How regularly do you let them know? Consider if you hurt someone's feelings. Do you wish to restore the relationship? Have you attempted? Retaining it in is much more troublesome. Make peace with it and then move on. You don't need to be the best of companions. However, it is proper always to be empathetic.

You will find that some of the world's most ruthless people are the ones who had 'something' taken away from them. Love was their privilege, but sadly, some essential people undermined them. Maybe they lost the genuine respect they should be receiving for just being a person. I honestly feel most souls who did not receive love growing up being the most harmful to others. Be cautious. I am not saying they do not know how to be courteous to others; they very much do, yet these people who were once hurt now grow into the habit of unconscious hurting, insensitive, or still dominating others to get what they want. This behavior is not okay, and if you know such people, they need to see a therapist to seek help. And if you recognize that you too hurt someone willingly or even unwillingly, just apologize.


We All Pain

I’ve come across unusual people who were so insensitive, ruthless, and are apt to blame and find fault in others besides themselves. All while creating unnecessary confusion and drama. I shed some great tears of grief during my years. To the left, you will see a picture of an adult in pain. I took this photo to illustrate that even though we grow in size and mind, our hearts are frail as a child, as are our feelings. You don’t see an adult crying from the pain when you hurt them. They cry alone. You leave them crying in deep pain they did not welcome. Is this whom you want to be? Do you want anyone in this world to portray an image of you that is ruthless and insensitive? If not, get off your high horse and learn to empathize. Not the fake empathy that lasts a minute. The authentic kind!


You will find that some of the world's most pleasant people are the ones who lost 'SOMEONE' or had someone taken away from them. Most often, one who lost a parent, child, or sibling is one of the kindest souls you will meet. They've experienced colossal pain and continue to wake up and stand tall daily. The strength they carry within is second to none. The empathy they've acquired through the experience of a significant loss is second to none. That's why the most helpful people you meet always possess the most tragic stories. Still, they chose LOVE above all because love is what kept them alive. And when you are near or around any one of these souls that suffered the loss of another soul, you will observe the abundance of love they carry; in fact, you will practically feel it!

Be wise, select the right choices, quit bickering hastily, suspend being authoritarian, and stop being stubborn. Let go. Learn to love unconditionally. Discover to use and practice empathy while these people are still alive. Don't mourn while you are living. You feel as alive as you believe. When you are around, others make them feel happy to be alive too. No matter who is by my side, I do my very best to show respect, comfort, kindness, admiration, affection, love, happiness, laughter, and enjoyment. When they are near me, I will still join others' happiness even if I am worried. It is a collective world out there, my friends. The more we nourish each other, the stronger and wiser we will be. It is my friends; when I am with them, I feel so ALIVE that I aspire to freeze the moment in time. A feeling so indescribable. Carpe Diem!

So, I’ll ask you once again, close your eyes, sense what it would be like if you knew you had merely sixty seconds left? What would you do more? What would you forgive? What would you regret? Who do you love? And more than it all, have you expressed your love to them in its entirety?

Alive & Yours,


This BLOG is for the ones who give me the feeling of being


Dedicated to:

Chanda, Melissa, Monique, Gladys, Omar, Danielle, Julia, Heena, Sehrish, Amber, Jarret, Anelle, Marcelo, Regine, Sofia, Farhana, Iram, Amy, Ali, Rahila, Mehtab, Cori, Fabiano, Gauri, Sanjeev, Jessica, Dean, Kim, Bob, Samiyah, Diana, Hila, Sabrina, William, Yas, Tashina, Coreen, Adriana, Salman, Tabassum, Mujtaba, Dentonio, Qudsia, Zain, Mehek, Anitha, Asif, Rajesh, Wajeeha, Farah, Fauzia and My Zara, Aliyah, Faaria Safa
