Bye Felicia 2020

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An imaginary frantic stampede of global unity is racing towards 2021 with the utmost hope and dream of new beginnings or former normalcy with an essence of gratefulness. 2020 felt uncertain, unprecedented, misleading, perplexed, psychotic, deeply depressed, and in literal terms, deadly!

Bye, Felicia is the best way to conceptualize, ‘out with the old and in with the new.’ I can overhear the unanimous sigh of relief the femtosecond we hit midnight of January 2021. As if 2021 will suddenly lift all those burdens, tragedies, catastrophes, misinterpretations, confusion as the pandemic relinquishes.

How will this happen? Easy, it's YOU, and within YOU! Each of you collectively believes it will get better, it ought to get better, so by the law of attraction, it will. At times, we imagine the world revolves around us, and we get consumed with little nuances. These nuances couldn't keep us any further from the truth. Open your mind and your eyes, YES the world revolves around you, each of you. You are the hub of the world. And all that energy confines into one gigantic frequency wave transmitting a signal to the universe that we will heal; ergo, WE WILL.

All you need to do is steer away from negativity and center on future positive attributes. Focus on yourself. Not on the person in front of you, besides, behind, or even above you. Seal those doors. Quiet your mind and hearken to your soul. Your soul is the trickiest part. Listen closely and recognize what it is informing you. It's perpetually a choice, my friends, you can choose to help yourself and reach your purpose with baby steps, or you can continue to battle yourself endlessly. This futile struggle will deter you from honesty, authenticity, honor, and a collective part of the environment that can heal. Your thoughts, aspirations, actions will impact more than you perceive. That tiny rock you tossed in the ocean will generate many ripples so far away that you cannot detect or even know. Your perceptions are no different. They are your most excellent tools; always remember to be cognizant and use them sensibly. Alas, in this challenging year of 2020, we endured the only thing not promised; time. So use yours wisely!


I feel absolute warmth, unimaginable love, a perpetual state of pure exhilaration when I release my soul to be and feel the present moment. On the contrary, when I enable it to reverse, agonize about the future, or stew about what is not in my control, I succumb to all sense of control. This behavior used to happen frequently. I felt through self-discovery and ample practice, we can hearken our mind and soul. We can bring it to ease at any given moment. It's simple, actually, yet we make it an exertion. Don't overthink. It's the overthinking that will slaughter any optimism about to come your way. At first, I was in disbelief about my behavior. Completely. Even if someone mentioned it, I would not accept it.

I additionally believed I could change people (you should be laughing at that, I am.) Then I reached a phase where I would apprehend my erroneous thoughts, impulses after the fact. That continued a bit. As I proceeded to discover myself, I sprang aware of my emotions amidst an occurrence. I identified that what I was doing was not the best option while preferring to do it indifferently. But the mere fact that I can perceive myself from a third perspective simultaneously was a soul opener. And with tremendous effort, tremendous being an understatement, I finally approached a phase where I can see all options and which option would cause the least disturbance to myself and others. Using this alternative brought me much tranquillity, serenity, and laughter. I hold little time for melodrama and more enhanced for aspirations. As untimely as 2020 was, it was a wake-up call for many through self-discovery, kindness, integrity, and soul searching! One's who reached deep down and obtained a connection with their soul are the ones that predominated and persevered 2020 with a charm!

Becoming or Un-Becoming

We generally assume we are finally finding ourselves. Yet the converse holds just as sound. You knew who you were and what you most aspired to when you were simply a child. So what happened? From where did all the confusion come? Could it be that 2020 reverted you by coercion? Could it be that you subsequently learned your boundaries, your unnecessary expectations, you let go of your eagerness to be persistent with others, and treasure to be persistent about yourself? Take your guard down. It is only up acting as an armor to protect you from hurt. Except in actuality, no one can hurt you besides yourself.

In your mind, you created armor and wore it to protect yourself from yourself. Now how ironic and silly is this. We manifest we will be hurt, and ergo we do. Build yourself, learn who you were, who you are, and center on those positive attributes. Throw out all that doesn't make sense to you. Because as long as you grapple with it, it's not your battle to take. Your journey should be the one only met for you. You can never walk the journey of another soul. That shoe just won't fit, and that, my dear, will be a harrowing journey. Wear your own, do your own, find your own, be your own.



New Year Resolutions became a historical ritual. Do you ever wonder why people take it so solemnly? Why do they feel as though it's a fresh start? Again it all ties into a similar concept of integration and solidarity. It is mostly more effortless to decide on a group versus alone. Consider all the social media challenges you view all year long. Join the 30 Day Get Fit Challenge, Squat Challenge, 30 Day Food Diets; that said, for some of us who are not there yet and need that extra support. The accordance of the global resolutions makes it a more convenient head start for many. If that is what you necessitate, go for it. Anything done collectively or unanimously will always persevere because you hold support. The help makes you feel more self-confident, more strong-minded, more adrenaline rush to do it. Ergo the cliche, 'Together we are stronger.'

Through habitual practice and brainwashing, our mind assured us that we want others also to make resolutions to stick to ours. When in fact, all you need to do is make your resolution, adhere to it and do it. You can do this anytime. You don't need to wait till January first to change or begin a good habit. Remember you own your life, you can start anytime, Challenge or not, group or not, YOU CAN DO IT!

Know you also possess it within you. It's similar to Valentine's day. Many go on dates, get dressed up, acquire flowers and gifts, and celebrate with friends. When in fact, we can do this any day. To choose one day out of the year to be able to change yourself is selling yourself short. You are stronger than this. So whether you call it 'New Years' Resolution' or 'A New Lifestyle,' recall the reason you want to do it. Please close your eyes and sense that reason till it hits you stimulating, then open your eyes and go full force. Prove to yourself that you are worthy of all that you wish to achieve. Cut the handbrake cable. Let it flow.

The world weighed heavily in 2020. Accordingly, it weighed down many of us. Let's lift our spirits both individually and collectively to lighten the load for a grandeur 2021. ARE YOU READY FOR 2021? YES, YOU ARE. YES, WE ARE.


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Thank You ALL for following and supporting me and other artisans and influencers this crazed year. We necessitate it, and we appreciate it so much. Let's manifest a better 2021.


Felicia 2020

Yours in 2021,

