Dreamt of being a Pakistani Princess


Turned out to be the Queen of Hearts

Time is just an imaginary perception. For all, we comprehend time may be altered in different dimensions. I can state, “a long time ago, I had dream.” or “yesterday’s dream is todays reality.” They both essentially convey the identical notion, except the latter zero’s in on the dream versus the length of time taken for it to succeed. Do you possess a dream? I’m positive you hold many. Do you feel intimidated that they won’t come true in time? Who is the one constraining you on time? Yourself? Is it necessary to add the stress of pressure?

All successions start from point zero, some from when you were young, and some developed stronger as you become older. And others that merely came alive as of today. Do you know why a dream that comes true actually feels so immeasurable? It’s not simply the completion of a dream, it’s not that last step surpassing the finish line, but rather it is the journey of continuously believing, visioning, dreaming, and nevermore giving up on yourself. No matter what your goal is. Don’t allow anyone to define whether your dream is big or small. A dream is a mission. It is yours and only yours to feel and create what you wish of it. To be frank, no dream is too small or too big; they are all pertinent reminders that you can accomplish anything regardless of time.

The journey that was worth the moment that quenched my inner flames.

The story originated when I was 10; most of my stories start from my mom's passing. Since it was a tremendous occurrence of my life, it tends to be relevant in my blogs. (please, no need to feel pity. I accepted it, and I am content that she is in a better place. I know we are still connected by our souls. And she left giving me the most meaningful gift ever; her loving heart.)

As a ten-year-old in Brooklyn, New York, I didn't know much about my own country or culture. I know they teach you an informational portion of geographical places worldwide in secondary school and high school but not quite enough to understand who you really are and where you came from. As I grew older, I felt this void, this ever-increasing desire to learn where I am from. I recognized this destination as my nationality. However, I wondered what it seemed like, how the people lived there, the culture, and even the smell. 

I had spoken fluent Urdu by the time mom passed. I always received many compliments as a child who had not having visited her country; that I communicate Urdu well and have a passion for being Pakistani. During my years, I would overhear people say they are visiting Pakistan. As a child, I asked, "Ooh can you please bring me back a nice Pakistani dress to wear?" They came back with NOTHING. I requested others and others more again, and again, and again. I never gave up. Every single time I asked, I invariably received a negative response. And I would think to myself, "well I am positive if my mom was alive she would bring me back the most gorgeous dress ever."

By now, I was in college and made other friends from Pakistan and India. They owned a variety of clothes. Their parents would regularly buy them the cutest outfits. I would accumulate my money to purchase what I could from women who sewed Pakistani garments within their home in New York. Or I would sew them myself. As a 12-year-old, I made my first outfit all by hand with only a needle and thread. As I grew older and started my career, I purchased clothes from Asian shops in America, primarily in New York.

Although it was never the same. The shops contracted bulk items that others would possess as well. And they would last a bit before a stone fell out, or two or three.

I stayed content with what I owned though I longed for someone to deliver me a suit I requested. My friends would depart and return, and again zero for me. I did not comprehend how someone can return with roughly 5-6 suitcases packed with clothes and not one outfit for someone eagerly passionate. I was funding it; however, I never met someone who would do me this tiny favor. 

Finally, computers, laptops, and smartphones came into existence. I would catch myself googling 'streets of Pakistan,' 'Pakistani stores,' 'Pakistani homes,' and more numerous thoughts. The curiosity and desire grew stronger for both Pakistan itself and my dream outfit.

Then I met my husband, and we decided to get married. Every girl's dream is to go to Pakistan to design her clothes for all the celebration days. And if you are lucky enough, to produce it by a prestigious designer. However, being the fact that I didn't know anyone, held no connections, did not possess enough wealth to travel and execute my dreams. I settled for shopping for my wedding outfits in Jackson Heights, New York.

After marriage, I thought my life was going to change. I heard all my life that Mother-in-laws gift Pakistani clothes to their daughters-in-law whenever they tour Pakistan, or for a birthday or an anniversary gift or simply just because. I was too excited. Exactly yet again, life went on; it was not in my destiny. When I opened it, the one time I did receive a gift, it was garments you wore at home. While I was grateful for it. It wasn't sufficient to stop dreaming. 

I conceived about how can I make my dream about Pakistan and beautiful clothes come true. One day, I had an epiphany; I reasoned that if I hold this longing, I am convinced there must be others. That's when I determined to initiate my own Pakistani customized online clothing store. I presented the idea with a businessman I met in America a while back, and we partnered up. It was inspiring. I was now designing my own Pakistani clothes. I connected with extra people in Pakistan to produce my designs. I could not fathom I would be wearing my designs and selling them too!! The business was going splendidly!! I stood proud to observe my sketches come to life!! I dedicated the company to my daughter Zara as ZARA CREATIONS.


Blu Ice

Blu Ice

Fresca Mermadiosa

Fresca Mermadiosa

Chrome Shadow

Chrome Shadow

Fresca Mermadiosa

Fresca Mermadiosa

Neela Ghagra

Neela Ghagra

Copper Rush

Copper Rush

Twisted Candy

Twisted Candy

Twisted Candy

Twisted Candy

Though did my business quench my thirst for seeing Pakistan in person? Not at all. I presently yearned it even more so. Nearly 8 years following my marriage, I met a Lovely Pakistani Fashion Designer. She arrived at my home and gifted me an outfit. I felt so touched that night. This woman held no notion how much she had moved my heart and soul. She possessed no thought that she was the first person in 32 years following my mom's death to gift me a Pakistani outfit just because without me asking, without an excuse, without an occasion.

As I continued to grow, I fell in love with this whimsical vision of Pakistan. I aspired to visit my home country severely. I even sketched and colored in an outfit for me personally as my fantasy dream piece. I preserved that drawn photo in my drawer for years and years. I expected that if I ever make it to Pakistan one day, I will choose a designer create this outfit for me.

As I became a makeup educator, I flourished through the years; and I engaged with so many people worldwide—many of them in Pakistan. One of them became my best friend. I regularly had millions of questions for her regarding Pakistan. She would send me pictures and videos to fill my void. I could sense my dreams becoming real. I desired to feel like a Pakistani Princess.

When I was going through a rough health issue at a time in my life, she said to me, “why don't you just come to Pakistan? I will show you everything.” I panicked to take that big step I evermore desired, yet I thought, could this be my chance? I concluded it signified the time was now. Of course, my sketch was the first thing I packed.

I could not accept it when I arrived at JFK that I was finally going to Pakistan!!!! As soon as I landed, I couldn't anticipate seeing what the airport seems like, how the people function, and mostly, what the air smells like!! Below is the video of my first experience to go to Pakistan!

It remained a beautiful moment I cannot ever forget. My friend picked me up along with her dad. He said, "sorry for the smell of the dirt in the air." I replied, "Oh, how I longed for this exact smell. I absolutely LOVE IT!!!'

I ultimately experienced Pakistan!!! Its people, its food, its roads, its ways, its shops, its culture. I was totally moved by and in LOVE with my COUNTRY, both the good and the bad. I can still here the boy screaming “come get your corn,” repeatedly at 6AM and “hot eggs” every evening;) Considering it's a third world country, there definitely was copious to acclimate to. Yet I furthermore loved it. I felt as I belonged there. I met many people and gained new friends. Who would have thought all these people would be delighted to meet me. I held a Meet & Greet Makeup Master Class in Pakistan. My fans were waiting for me at the entrance of the Hotel. Who greeted me with excited expressions and non-stop photos and selfies, and gifts. I had no idea I was so adored from across the world.





Towards the end of my trip, my friend and I visited a talented designer and showed him my sketch in detail. We discussed every fact, every stone, shape, threads, size, and shade and material at length. He agreed to create my design; however, it took 4 months, and I had it mailed to me in America because it was an intricate job.

I acquired my dream dress in June of 2019. Out of nowhere, a really close friend of mine settled on a destination wedding in Pakistan in December of 2019. Pondering how I can go again, my family and friends supported me by taking care of my kids. So here I was once again going to a Pakistan. However, this time it was for MY BEST FRIENDS WEDDING!!!!!!!!!

To all the doors that closed on me..
I’m coming back to buy the building 💥

THIS WAS THE MOMENT I WAITED FOR!!! I envisioned myself wearing the dress I depicted over 10 years produced in Pakistan, and I held the opportunity in person and now to go back and carry it there; OMG! A dream come true.

My friend even said to me, don't bring anything. You can purchase new stuff. Though I unquestionably aspired to wear my dream dress for my worthy friend's wedding in Pakistan. Even though it took half the suitcase and half the authorized weight, I took it with me.

I never experienced a Pakistani wedding in Pakistan. That was, additionally, a strong desire. I would previously think no one knows me there, how could I go to a wedding there? And here you see God working his magic. My close friend in America embraced me as an honorable guest, and I strutted in my dream designed dress created by myself and a prestigious designer, and finally, it was time to knock my own golden shoes off!!

For all those glamorous photos I saw on the internet of beautiful Pakistani women wearing gorgeous Pakistani outfits at a Pakistan wedding and being photographed by a professional Pakistani photographer, I never once perceived that would actually happen to me.

I remember the moment we were rushing and waiting for the groom to arrive with his family. I was the first one to reach from the groom's close net circle, and the bride's sister and I were speaking when the photographer requested, 'Excuse me, Madam, one photo, please?"

I responded, "please not right now; I am attempting to arrange the groom to come." And then all of a sudden it hit me, “NO, Aneela, this is the moment you've been anticipating all your life. You are that Gorgeous Pakistani Woman, in that Gorgeous Pakistani Dress, at a Gorgeous Pakistani Venue for your best friends Pakistani Wedding with a Professional Pakistani Photographer requesting you for a photo.



And SO I DID;))) I received these pictures 2 days before, and when it came through my phone, I opened the message, held the hugest grin on my face thinking, "MOM, look at me now! I don't need anyone to do it for me anymore. I did it myself!!!" No more asking, begging, wishing, after all those years, when it finally happened, oh boy, it was so WORTH IT!!! I felt like and was the QUEEN OF HEARTS!!

And to top it off, The groom, his family, the bride, her family, and especially her sister made me feel like a million bucks as they honored my presence as if I was one of their own. It's so funny, here you perceive your people will do anything for you, yet it was complete outsiders that respected me with the value that I am worth!! Needless to say, on my second trip to Pakistan, I engaged with more friends. Many people wanted to connect with me and loved my personality. Just about everyone loved me.

I know this was a lengthy story, yet you must know the details to recognize the accomplishment sensation. I never gave up, and somehow life drew amazing people into my life to help deliver my dreams. And just to point it out, I possess three daughters, and their mother came back with an ENTIRE suitcase or two or three full of beautiful garments for them. My children shouldn't have to beg or plead for what their mother can do for them. I will guide them to empower themselves, as I am determined to empower myself.

I carry no regrets; I uncovered much in my struggle and witnessed much truth. I saw the raw, and I saw the beauty.

Regardless of what your dream is. Whether it's in your home, town, online, or even across the other side of the world. Never ever doubt your own grit. It's your dream, so make it come true. And when it does, you will be shining head to toe and inside out just like I was because that feeling of "I did it" is second to none.

For someone who lives in a home country and experiences these cultural norms daily, this may seem trivial. But I bet you the world, ask someone who longs for and is passionate about their home country, for them it’s a journey never forgotten. Congratulations to every soul, every one of you that continue to believe in yourself daily. That belief in itself is a sign that you are strong and you are on your way to making your hopes and dreams coming true. ‘Time’ is IRRELEVANT, your ‘Dream’ is EVIDENT.

To hopes and dreams coming true,

Yours From the Heart Of Pakistan,

Your Queen of Hearts,

Aneela K.

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When I was shopping for my wedding, I fancied a set just like this; however, someone made a rude comment that it was for ‘freaks.’ I requested this type of jewelry for 17 years. Once again, I ended up traveling and designing it myself, and oh boy, you have no idea how much I enjoyed this golden treasure wrapped around my neck and over my chest. I already possessed a positive posture, but don’t mind me saying it added some extra sassy weight to my vibe;)

The Pakistani wedding broadly consists of mayon, mehndi, nikaah, baraat and valima; with mehndi, baraat and valima warranting separate events on separate days. (The mayon may be preceded or followed by one or more dholki events, consisting mainly of dancing and singing.) Friends and close relatives are invited to, and expected to attend, all major events. This format is adhered to surprisingly invariably even though the only strictly necessary part is the nikaah – the official contract of marriage – with everything else merely being cultural or traditional.

A typical Pakistani wedding, or Shaadi (شادی) consists of two main events - the Nikkah and Walima. Arranged and semi-arranged marriages in Pakistan often take long periods of time to finalize and up to a year or more can elapse from the day of engagement until the wedding ceremony. Wedding customs and celebrations vary upon ethnicity and religion


The Nikah (نِكاح) is the formal marriage ceremony where a marriage contract, or Nikahnama (نکاح نامہ), is signed by both the bride and the groom in presence of close family members. The Nikah is typically performed by a religious scholar at a mosque, such as an ImamMuftiSheikh or Mullah, who in Pakistan will be licensed by the government to perform the ceremony. The bride and groom must both have two witnesses present to ensure that the marriage is consensual.


The Walima (ولِيمہ) is the formal reception hosted by the husband and wife and officially makes the marriage public. It is typically a huge celebration with many relatives and as well as invited guests of both families in attendance. Traditionally, the Walima was hosted at home but nowadays are increasingly being held at marriage halls, restaurants or hotels.

I would love to hear your DREAMS! In the comment section below, please share your dreams that you are working on, or ones that you completed and how it made you feel? You never know, may be all it takes is you writing it here and the universe will hear you as it heard me;)