My Youthful Truth


Let Go & Let God

Everyone carries their opinions and rightfully theirs it is. I frequently hear I post enormously on FB.

Naturally, I am who I am and am not willing to change for anyone besides myself. Take me as I am or don't; I am now utterly okay with it. 

I am perfectly okay hearing positive, constructive criticism, malicious, negative, or even challenging feedback. 

Why? Because we are all grounded in our own ways, and yet concurrently, we all are ever-changing. What may seem ludicrous to you today may seem prevalent tomorrow. And there is absolutely nothing shady and no shame in learning on your own time. 

The seeds are planted by God, and he is most cognizant of the right timing. Because actual resolution and or commitment can only come from within. No matter how much you strive to be like someone else, you will eventually fall and hit rock bottom because the only thing standing between absolute reality and yourself is YOU!

So once again, I reassure you. Let people talk, let them telltale, seek, and invoke fear or drama. Let them. CLOSE YOUR HEART & SILENCE YOUR MIND!


Empowered 12-Year-Old

I remember feeling sensationally powerful in this school photo. I was a naive little girl, but this day vocalized out to me loud and clear. So I blow-dried my hair. Applied my Aunt’s lipstick. Wore more massive than typical hoops (yea they were a thing back then lol). And the last and ultimate piece, a leather jacket to give off the vibe; ‘I got this!’

When the professionals came back, I gazed at this picture countless times, feeling empowered. Who knew 30 years succeeding I possessed the very EXACT FEELING; ‘I GOT THIS.’


Questioning my purpose

Here I was to myself, pondering, what is my place in this world? Why am I put here, and what must I accomplish? I felt unparalleled. I felt fearful. I thought I held much to perform yet wasn’t confident precisely what it was. This picture was utterly candid of me in the midst of me and dreams. That would unravel three decades later for you all to see that every little child possesses a drive. And indeed, if the passion is real and if you finally recognize it, then glance at the younger version of you, the dreamer in you, and assure her,



I FINALLY FINALLY LET GO!!!!!!!!! It feels so damn GOOD! 

After mom passed, I spent quite some time in front of the mirror ( Nooo really lol, surprise surprise!) Yet what was I actually doing as a 12-year-old at the time?  I can hear loud and clear ALL MY 12-year-old THOUGHTS I hindered as I look back now. Days, weeks, months, and years passed, and I am now hearing my ultimate desire; to use all my harrowing experiences and share my growth and wisdom with others. More particularly, with others that wish to learn and their planted seed has arisen.

I share my truth, my raw reality to inspire, encourage, and empower the suffered souls I once upon a time was.

I vividly recall repetitively thinking that maybe all this is happening to me to share my world experience. Perhaps I am a subject that will one day be observed by others. My self-pity, my prevailed moments, my rocky days, all of it! And I ended with YES, I will be ready. When the time comes, I will be equipped to be an open book and nothing to hide. God sees it all, and hiding is only for the frail. 

Let us discover from one another. Let us save others from the grief we experienced. Let us lighten the hearts and immeasurable anguish they are feeling. If you believe you were chosen to help, then help you must. Your inner calling cannot be wrong when it feels strong. Go do YOU and allow them to mature their 'You's.'

This is just the beginning of my journey to blogging and one day publishing a book of my encounters and what it taught me. Please read any of the heartfelt genuine blogs that you can resonate with or leave a comment on what different topics you would be moved by. I am more than happy to provide. If my words put a smile on your face or prevent a fallen tear. Then it is positively time for a genuine CHEER!!

Be True To Yourself,

Aneela K.


This young soul ignited a dream. Today I possess a fire in me to make it ‘OUR’ Reality!!

Let’s Do This Aneela K!