
Hope is being able to see that

there Is light despite

all of the darkness.

-Desmond Tutu


If a man is to shed the light of the sun upon other men, he must first of all have it within himself.
— Roman Rolland

Lost, confused, hopeless, distressed, offended, troubled, resentful, angry, betrayed, stranded, fatigued, agitated; any of these ring a bell? Don't worry; it's not your fault. It's not their fault either. The truth is; there is no one to blame. Rather than condemning, forgive others, and more importantly, forgive yourself. All beings are ever-evolving, and each is concurrent to their respective timeline, not yours. The evolution of the mind, body, and soul must triumph through unwanted shadows before it yearns and comprehends the value of love and light. The forces of darkness are corrupt and wicked. Tenebrous thoughts can slither in slowly and become steadfast. If accelerated enough in the wrong direction, a tiny pebble can induce an avalanche and destroy nature's beauty. Similarly, repeated transgressions, cumulative acts of sin lead to iniquity and a feeling of semi-permanent dimness. How can we escape from this gloominess that hovers over us?

The preceding vision is to portray the vast complication and power of our body and mind. Each of us resembles a naked tree. Like a tree, you must build yourself a solid foundation to withstand all the cold, harsh gazing winds, the brutal heat, and the thundering storms that will come your way. It would be best if you stood firm, tall and continue your growth. Like the cumbersome branches, our brain cells signal and amplify our thoughts through their many perplexed neurons. That's why it is vital to know that even a small negative thought can alter your path into bottomless devastation. On the contrary, an optimistic view or a shed of light into that darkness can magnify a whole new positive dimension into your life. Choose Wisely?

Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to ILLUMINATE the world.
— Oprah

What sparks happiness in you? Is it a hobby, a friend, cooking, the beach, solitude, prayer, music, or God? Whatever it is, begin with it and focus on it with all that's left within you. Push yourself little by little.

I'll share my spark. My spark is empathy. When a person empathizes with me, I don't sense sadness or loneliness. I'm an extrovert; rarely do I seldom solitude. Even in prayer, I like praying with others in a congregation. It doesn't mean I never appreciate being alone. I do. I enjoy traveling independently, driving, or being with my grateful thoughts. However, when I am fearful for my health or unable to achieve something I long for, I am 100% in need of a companion. My spark is the soul of another genuine soul. Together I believe we can surmount any predicament. I share everything with a particular friend. We regularly pray together through all calamities, and she never once judged me. If I ever seem like I need to strengthen my tower of faith, I will speed dial her and pray together because sorrow is the devil's work within us. We must pray to connect with the purity that we were graciously embedded and bestow gratitude for it.

  1. ‘VOICE ACTIVATION’ - Withstand the urge of negative thoughts. When they ignite, they rapidly flash overwhelming negative emotions and generating more ammunition. Catch yourself and immediately vocalize loudly to yourself. Offer yourself the advice you would give a loved one. 'Calm yourself, 'relax it will be okay, 'I'm sure there's a misunderstanding,' 'maybe it's not what is in my best interest and I need to ride it out by being patient.' Next time you're entangled in a negative web, try this. I promise you it will work.

  2. ‘ENGAGE POSITIVITY’ -Solitude can be both gratifying or dangerous. Understand your soul. Do you fall into abrogating thoughts when alone? If so, ensure to be around positive people, whether it's with friends, family, or even strangers. Do whatever it takes to evade the unpropitious shadow that grasps your thoughts.

  3. ‘GO AGAINST YOUR GLOOMY WILL’ -Where can you find some comfort other than crawling into your bed? Push yourself to an event that you would otherwise attend if your attitude weren't enduring murkiness. I guarantee, in hindsight, you will appreciate yourself for executing the more desirable choice.

  4. ‘RELIVE THOSE SMILES’ - Don't permit the voice of your umbra to subjugate your principles; immediately shake it off and coerce yourself to revert to a joyous moment. Memories are called ‘memories’ for reason; utilize them in time of need. Close your eyes and think of complete gratefulness. Begin with grandeur moments and work yourself down to the tiny pleasures of life. Continue down this path to effectuate that every breath you observe is a priceless gift. A consequence that can instantaneously change your life if you genuinely will it.

  5. ‘E.A.T.’ - Empathy, Affection, and Transcend are the three key elements that can relieve sorrow or be the critical components of healing someone else out of their misery. Use it as often as you like, no need for moderation here. Giving or receiving these emotions will nourish the soul and attain the missing glory. Additionally, it will soothe the void of unconditional love. The most exquisite feeling in the world is to feel special or make someone else feel extraordinary. I urge you not to let this positive action go to waste.

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I receive weekly queries on how I manage three kids (all doing well in school and home), wife responsibilities, cooking, cleaning, gardening, renovations, working, blogging, socializing, fun parties, constantly upkeep with friends, and deal with life's major stressors simultaneously? I reply, 'Just because I carry it well, doesn't mean it's not heavy.'

When it feels heavy, I immediately relinquish the emotion to my inner self. I then challenge my soul, 'what do you need right now Aneela? What will draw you comfort or solace so that you do not feel overwhelmed/saddened?' Then I hearken carefully to my intuition, and I endure it without a second thought. The gap between the initial question and the qualifying notion will immediately be a dangerous zone to slip. When I fall into those blue chasms, it's more strenuous and entails exceeding effort to climb back up. Ergo I attempt to shed light on my soul as regularly as I can. So much so that it constantly illuminates.

The story behind sorrow is often a manipulative fabrication of the clever somber shadow and becomes long-spun and perpetual. The story behind a smile is simple - smiles shed light which in turn shed more smiles. If you encounter trouble smiling, reach out, and I'd love to help you get there or at least see you smirking. If you did not genuinely smile in a great while, here you go: I gleefully share mine among you.

Light-fully Yours,

