Vax On Vax Off


Is the Choice Yours?

Fully vaccinated people should feel free to visit their unvaccinated family and friends without restrictions, but visits should be limited to one unvaccinated household at a time.
— Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
In the setting that the unvaccinated people are from a single household, and all the unvaccinated people are at low risk of severe Covid-19 illness, no prevention measures are needed, so these visits could happen indoors with no mask or physical distancing
— Tami Skoff, CDC epidemiologist on the Clinical Guidelines Team of the Vaccine Task Force

Disclaimer* This Blog is my opinion on the matter based on my validated healthcare distrust, autoimmune history, copious calls with health professionals, research, podcasts, interviews, and even infamous media; it may not be accurate. Please understand we all hold the right to liberty and the decisions we infer, whether you are pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. Both parties are and should be mutually respected even in disagreement.

UPDATE: The original version and scope of this Blog was misinterpreted by numerous, and it endured an overwhelming response. The response statistics split 50/50 between aggression/disagreement/concerns and love/empathy/support.

Since then, the Blog was temporarily taken down, edited, and cited with resources to accomplish clarity on its mission and garner all readers' respect and emotions. I request that you continue reading with an open mind.

It has been a long-drawn week of tough deliberations, as has weeks and months prior during this challenging pandemic. I consumed the entire week on various lengthy and informative calls with highly prestigious qualified doctors, people in the healthcare industry, and people not in the industry (all who wish to stay anonymous.) In either scenario, there were people with clashing views. The point of this Blog is not to propagate misinformation or disinformation but rather to find harmony with one another while global efforts are taken to reduce the pandemic and the predicted panic situation effectively. No one denies the demand for an international centralized collective efficiency to mitigate the spread of the pandemic. However, I am proposing a soft take on the issue at hand versus increased panic and disagreements. Regardless of what one prefers to believe, viable research is readily available on either side of the spectrum. After a lengthy lockdown, we are genuinely debilitated and not interested in a long-standing debate: especially with our fellow neighbors, friends, and family. Ergo let's draw about empathy for each individual's fears and be patient while we recover from a fast-moving catastrophic pandemic.

After a wealth of research and knowledge obtained, I still stand my original position on the vaccine, 'NO POSITION.' (will unfold as you read forward.)

Pro-Vaccine vs. Anti-Vaccine

The central principle of this Blog is freedom of accountable choice. For those that are pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine support, hear and validate you and your fears. However, those that debate/question pro-vaccine are taking a solid stance and come in the form of aggression and attack. I negate all forms of anger in trying to coax anyone of any decision. Being assertive is futile versus empathizing with kindness followed by a cohesive knowledgeable explanation; the latter will always prevail—everyone else who doesn't concur with you won't, regardless of your unauthorized emotional anger deflection.

Ergo I am requesting equal respect and rights of freedom as a being. Unless anti-vaccine people are shamelessly walking around unprotected with no mask covering, not adhering to social distancing, and all other safety regulations, the vaccinated fear is nearly hypocritical. If you believe in the vaccines' merits and are vaccinated, then uphold your confidence, and you need not be alarmed of those following safety protocol as we all did for sixteen months ere the vaccine.

They were the very people before you were vaccinated. They were you! Please respect that they necessitate more time and facts to reach a determination. Please do not project your fears, as they are not launching theirs on you. Though quite frankly, I feel drained of defending myself (undecided) and those alike. We ask politely to respect our decision while developing more trust. Many hold concerns due to healthcare distrust issues. Show empathy and maybe teach why one should not be discouraged or why they should not believe the pandemic, the prolonged wait, the vaccine was all a conspiracy from a place beyond our kindred souls can fathom. At this point, what's done is done. And the goal is now to achieve normalcy (not sure if this is even attainable at this point.) Not in debate but collectively. Rather than a defensive speech, teach!

After a long, drawn unprecedented plague, we have unconsciously and unintentionally given birth to a new nemesis - Pro-Vaccine versus Anti-vaccine. It's essential not to be shocked; under shock, we cannot make the best decisions. Prevention and the well-being of the public is a unanimous concern on hand. Ergo there is no basis for questioning one's intention, but somewhat aid in increasing knowledge put out there by viable trusted sources. It is okay if you have not made a decision yet. We respect the time you need to decide when it is the right time for you to take the vaccine if you choose to do so.

The freedom to choose how we prefer to live is now fully compromised. Friends and family don't feel protected if you are not vaccinated. Before the," Hey how are you doing?" comes, "are you vaccinated?" or "I am vaccinated, you are clear to be around me." Some of us did not clear the age group and could not arrange an appointment to receive the vaccination. We should be cognizant of this as we understand why some people didn't hold the option yet.

Additionally, I anticipate being unable to travel soon or enter specific locations without vaccination. It appears it may not be an option anymore. I sense that it will be mandated, and eventually, the administration will set new protocols in place.

Let's be clear, vaccinated or not, the sense of protocol will exist, as it has for the previous sixteen months. Let's teach knowledge rather than reprimand those who require more thought to gain the vaccine's confidence and any side effects. I realize I am speaking for the minority. There seems to be much heat on misinformation or disinformation by all sectors, from the government, public, scientists, world-leading public figures, and especially the health sector. Every aspect is questioned. Times are susceptible now, and we should keep this on the front burner as we communicate with those who may hold a difference of opinion.

One can still get Covid-19 after receiving the vaccine, yet it won't be as severe. The vaccine is said to minimize dangerous spikes and plummet the death toll. Ergo, yes, millions feel rest assured based on sound research. Yet for others, it hasn't been a wealth of time for you to assess long-term (ten-fifteen years) side effects, short-time side effects, complications to people with autoimmunity, asthma, deficiencies, and more.

Who in the right mind would not be terrified of acute illness, pain, ailments, and death. I can't help still consider a few months from now; if the media conveys, all vaccinated people now require a third vaccination to stabilize new variants of the disease, the entire population would run again. It's no one's wrongdoing. Society implicates, 'you must do what everyone does because if ninety percent of the population is doing it, it must be the correct thing to do.' However, that's not entirely true. Outside influence links us to believe this. We fully assume we are executing the decision yet ask any psychologists; various choices are based on external accepted behaviors and fears of shame if you don't accompany the leading group. Do your research based on facts, and then execute your decision. Continue reading to see some points on both sides of the spectrum.




Checkout the following links if you are interested in taking the vaccine

COVID-19 Clinical Advisory Task Force

Public Health Agency Vaccination Guidance

Building Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines and Vaccination

Comparing the Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson

Overall Pfizer presented a higher success rate (95%) and lower side effects. Moderna (94.1%) is very close to Pfizer success rates. Johnson and Johnson (66%) is a one-shot vaccine.

On Feb. 27, the Food and Drug Administration announced it had issued an emergency use authorization for Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose Covid vaccine. Developed by J&J’s vaccines division, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, it was shown to be 66% protective against moderate to severe Covid infection in a multi-country study. Importantly, it was 85% effective in protecting against severe disease. And there were no hospitalizations or deaths among people in the vaccine arm of a large clinical trial.

Overall efficacy varied a bit geographically, especially in South Africa, where a new variant appears to evade to some degree the immunity induced both by infection and by Covid vaccines, which were designed to target earlier strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

FDA reviewers were confident that the differences in effectiveness for people older than 60 who have comorbidities may dissipate with more data, Obviously we will watch that watch as additional data come in, but at this time there is no concern about reduced efficacy in the older population,”

Moderna’s vaccine is also authorized for use in those 18 and older, while the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine can be given to those 16 and older. J&J plans to launch a trial in adolescents soon, and has also said it plans to study the shot’s safety and efficacy in people who are immunocompromised in the third quarter of this year.

Common side effects of vaccination in the study included injection site pain, fatigue, and muscle aches. While unexpected side effects occurred at the same rate in the vaccine and placebo groups — about 0.5% — some rare conditions appeared more frequently in participants who received the vaccine. Blood clot-related issues appeared in 15 volunteers who received the vaccine, compared to 10 in the placebo group. The FDA has said it would recommend monitoring for such events after an EUA is granted.

More information about the three vaccination option can be found by copy pasting the link below:

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  • Re the vaccine issue - you're right that there's a lot we don't know, but the reality is we're not going to understand the intricacies in how it responds in specific populations. And yes, maybe with time, that becomes more clear. But from a population health standpoint - that's not the focus - the focus to reduce illness and hopefully transmission (less data on this) on a large scale quickly. And reopen lives. Everyone's lives have been impacted so dramatically, and one can argue we don't know the negative impact of keeping kids home for a year and how that affects them.

    Socially and development wise and academically etc.

    I do complex procedures, and we all have complications rarely - 1-2%. When you're the 1% - it's no longer 1/100. It's 100%. But that doesn't mean I stop doing what I do - because at a larger scale - we believe that the benefits far outweigh the small risk at a larger scale - on a population level. And I think the vaccine is similar in that regard. We now have millions of people vaccinated, and over a quarter million were part of rigorous clinical trials with minimal adverse effects.

  • If you want this pandemic to end; get your shot.

Over 145 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 29, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,509 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.



Most of my blog readers are uninformed of my science background. I graduated with Honors in Chemistry from StonyBrook University (an extraordinary institution, I must add.) I worked as an R&D chemist for Estee Lauder. Then moved on to Analytical Chemistry for a Pharma for years and ultimately ended up working for a prestigious Bio-Tech Industry. I was pretty successful in all the positions I carried. That said, I understand my current career may induce concerns on information I convey based on my credentials. Rather than adopting my words, I will attach data that supports those skeptical about the entire pandemic and their reasons.

First off I would like to introduce PANDA (Pandemics, Data & Analysis)

Who They Are

A group of multi-disciplinary professionals, who perceived the global reaction to Covid, and lockdown in particular, as overwrought and damaging to the point of causing a great tear in the fabric of society, established PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics) in April 2020. As a politically and economically independent organization, PANDA seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data. Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions can be developed from these. PANDA stands for open science and rational debate, for replacing flawed science with good science and for retrieving liberty and prosperity from the clutches of a dystopian “new normal”.

Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, who just gave an amazing talk at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference where he crushed the common myths and misconceptions promoted by pro-lockdown, anti-science politicians and unelected bureaucrats.

What do epidemiologists and immunologist think of Dr. Fauci? What's the story about the COVID variants? Are asymptomatic people a danger to others?

All that (and more) discussed on today's special BONUS episode. (1:05 Minutes)

Click here to hear the NICK HUDSON podcast and answer to all your concerns

Click Below to watch Nick Hudson Video on the False Narrative:

The Ugly Truth About The Covid-19 Lockdowns

This video conveys the wounds of a long-term lockdown and the number of death tolls majorly increasing due to starvation, depressions, suicide, joblessness, anxiety, and other illness induced by severe stress. The gamble was that herd immunity would cause the same amounted deaths more or less. Additionally, the extended lockdown prompted and is still generating more suffering and harm. Had we recovered from herd immunity, the epidemic would be long gone. -Nick Hudson


  • Excellent blog! I’m not planning on getting the vaccine unless I’m forced to & even then I won’t go down w/o a fight lol At this point it just doesn’t make sense to me. You can still get Covid & you can still pass it even with the vaccine so then why inject unknown substances which we don’t know all of the short/long term effects into your body. It’s also confusing because the government continues to make me scratch my head whenever they put info out there. Like as I mentioned before about still being able to get the virus(the vaccine gives the possibility of a chance that you won’t get as sick or die) they say vaccinated individuals can congregate together with other vaccinated people without taking the precautions we have been but if you can still get sick or spread it then doesn’t that just mean that we’ll end up back at square 1? I’d rather take my chances at this point because I’ve been doing so all of this time & have managed not to get it & if I did w/o knowing then my body did exactly what I needed it to do & fought it off. I have been getting so much slack for not wanting to get it so I’m so happy to have read your insight!

  • What’s wrong with the world, if you don’t conform to the majority opinion you are wrong. so unfair

  • I am not sure if the plan worked! Why did they bring out things that are not approved then need our approval for an unproved measure to move forward to a so called freedom. Freedom is within and not out there. I understand completely what you say. After this tragedy that hits the human race. I thought we would stand together and be kind. No the opposite, they only won, to put us in conflict with one another.

  • Are you gonna get the vaccine?I’m so undecided. Don’t trust it. People get so aggressive when you say you don’t trust and not sure if you will get the vaccine.

  • Not sure if I am gonna get it. I am scared.


Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.

Click Here To Watch The Event 201 Exercise

(Extremely intriguing, thought stimulating, and covered all the bases in this exercise. Highly recommend to watch it all)

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Media influence is harder on the undecided

Repeated Media influenced the world to wait eagerly and that there is no confidence without the vaccine - What do you think Pfizer or any of the Pharma companies say about this? I am still undecided. Of course, I hold my fears too from previous health mistreatments/reactions to my body. I experience human weakness in the form of anxiety, yet I want to feel safe too. This is not an easy decision by any means. There's a low probability I might not respond well to it. Am I willing to take that venture at this moment? I am following all the safety guidelines, and God bless not experienced any concerns. I feel safe this way. I believe I own the liberty to choose.

Media never eases; it only exasperates the fear. If you know someone you can speak to, feel more relaxed about your uncertainty, then pick up the phone and call them. Collect some more data and then secure a decision. Aggression from others stating, "you should get the vaccine." is not data, it's based on data they endured. The issue on hand is most of us are falsely relying on the media to compose a smooth connection between the private, public, and healthcare sector, a communication that is profoundly handicapped at the moment, and efforts need to be put in place for cross-sectoral coordination to get viable information put out there from trusted sources.


My Opinion - UNDECIDED

Historically I fall in the one percent of rare issues. Two years back, I developed a distinctive autoimmune disorder. My body does not perform well on antibiotics or many other medicinal applications. Ergo, I am not prepared to take that uncertainty. I keep going back and forth, and I am not sure. There is nothing improper with being unsettled. I necessitate more time to ponder. Studies on the J&J efficacy of the immunocompromised are still being performed and will convey better results following this year. I did contribute hours on the phone with CDC and VAMS attempting to schedule a Pfizer Vaccine. Yet the following day, I decided, I desired to wait some more. I am not sure why my gut is advising me to wait. However, I must follow my heart without pressure.

I would personally like to pause without being harassed or looked down upon for exerting the liberty of my choice.

I don't see anything fallacious with receiving the vaccine. I do believe it serves its purpose, as do all vaccines for eons. It provides you more confidence to be out and feel safer; ergo, your sanity is worth taking the vaccine. Except don't judge on the uncertain ones. Do not become aggressive on others to make a life choice you will not hold yourself accountable for during a misinterpreted statistical error. Some people need time to gain more knowledge and facts. We should respect that and not be a bully. Be an empath. If you still feel unsafe after being vaccinated, that's on you. Own it. I am the first to congratulate my friends that were vaccinated. I share with them that I am proud of how courageous they are.

The decision is not an effortless one. It is a heavily divided matter. People hold their reasons for receiving the vaccine, which they should. Accept it after concluding your research, pros, and cons. If you are anxious to go out as a risk to yourself and others and be neighboring people without arranging vaccination, get vaccinated. If you are not apprehensive and take all precautions as you did the last sixteen months and exhibit more nervousness about the vaccine side effects, do not exercise it. The choice is yours and only yours. Please do not feel condemned or peer pressured. You can decide not to take it right now and take it when you are ready. Or you can exercise it now and be done with it. Feeling guilty as undecided should not be one of the options.

Respect all preferences. It is not our place to criticize others for their actions or fears. We live our lives, and they live theirs. We should respect everyone's choice and support it as well. Remember, knowledge is power; knowledge is not authoritarian.

If safe for you is the vaccine, take it. If you are not ready, don't. But do not judge either way. Please.

Yours in Support Either Way,


The Following Three Verses Are from Islamic Holy Quran - I am sure my faith stands by my decision or lack there of.

‘Your Faith Has to be Greater Then Your Fear’

Nor can a soul die except by Allah’s leave; the term being fixed as by Decree.
— Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale Imran verse 145:
But to no soul will Allah grant respite when the time appointed (for its death) has come: and Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do.
— Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 63 Surah Munafeqoon verse 11:
To every people is a term appointed: when their term is reached not an hour (moment) can they cause delay, nor (a moment) can they advance it!
— Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraf verse 34: